Dreams Pt. 1 (SA)

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[There will not be a part 2 to this]
In which the only time you see your soulmate is through your dreams. Their face and personal information is blurred out, so it's up to both of you to figure out who it is. Their voice still remains the same.

Sana POV

I always wondered where in the world my soulmate was. I mean whenever I went to sleep, we always meet at a different location each time. The beach, the mountains, the forest, the jungle, even the desert! Although we never went back to the desert because it was too hot.

My favorite place to meet up is the mountains. My soulmate and I would always make snowmen, snow angels or start a snowball fight. It was so fun! Honestly, going to sleep is the best part of the night!

I hummed to myself as I approached my locker to grab my English textbook. I heard a throat clear and I slightly closed my locker to see one of the popular guys with a red rose in his hand.

The rose was shaking as he presented me with it, "H-Hi. I've seen you around and couldn't help but notice your beauty. You seem like an amazing person and I was wondering if maybe- if you want of course- to go out with me?"

I gently smiled at him, "This is so sweet but I kind of want to wait to meet with my soulmate."

"O-Oh. That's okay! You can keep the rose," He was quick to rely.

I felt really bad about it, "I think you should keep the rose."

He frowned, "I bought it for you."

"No, you bought it for the girl you have a crush on. Is there no one else you have feelings for?" I questioned.

"There is this one other girl but I'm way too nervous to approach her. I mean you're really nice so it was easy for me to approach you. The other girl I'm thinking of kinda scares me." He nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"She sounds like a catch," I giggled, "You can tell me who it is. I'll put in a good word for you if I know her."

"You'd do that for me?" He looked surprised.

"Of course," I grinned.

"Okay. The girl I'm talking about is Im Nayeon," He revealed.

My eyes widened in surprise. Of course I know who Nayeon is, who doesn't? She's been a long time friend of mine. But she made it perfectly clear that she was waiting for her soulmate as well. My frown deepened as I realized this guy was going to get rejected again.

"Oh no, you're frowning." He said.

"I'm afraid she's waiting for her soulmate as well," I told him with a bit of regret.

He looked down at his feet in disappointment, "I understand."

I don't understand. I thought everybody was going to wait for their soulmate, "...Shouldn't you be waiting for your soulmate too?"

He looked at me, heartbroken, "I found my soulmate two years ago. She got hit by a drunk driver and died on impact...I never got to say goodbye."

Tears gathered in my eyes as I heard his story. I pulled him into a hug, "I'm so sorry!"

He hugged me back very loosely, not wanting to be disrespectful in any way. "Yeah. I've only just recently tried to date again. After her death, I refused to even think about other people."

We pulled away. I gave him a warm smile, "I know you can find someone to keep you happy."

He gave me a sad smile back, "Here's hoping... Can we at least be friends?"

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