Pretend (MM)

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Momo POV

I hummed lowly to myself as I made my way to my locker.

I opened my locker and lightly jumped when I felt arms circle around my waist. I was about to yell at whoever it was when my eyes widened in shock as I turned around.

It was Y/n L/n.

One of the popular but introverted and nice students here. I've had several classes with her but I wouldn't say we're close. She's more than an acquaintance, less than a close friend. Her panicked eyes met mine.

She whispered, "We're dating now. Play along."

I was confused but nonetheless subtly nodded my head and wrapped my arms around her waist. I lightly smiled down at her as she blushed.

I heard the sound of footsteps and lifted my head to see Kai. He had his eyes directly on Y/n and ignored me completely. He glared at her and physically pulled Y/n away from me with force.

"What the hell do you think you're doing with my girlfriend?!" I angrily shouted at him.

Kai looked shocked and narrowed his eyes at Y/n, "Is this true? You left me for her?"

Y/n clenched her jaw and nodded her head, "Yes, it is. Now leave me alone."

Y/n tore her arm from Kai's tight grip and returned back in front of me. I wrapped my arms around her waist again and leaned down to kiss her shoulder as I glared at Kai, daring him to make a move.

He growled and stomped away in a fit of anger.

As soon as he was gone, Y/n let out a sigh of relief and stared at me gratefully, "Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it," I smiled down at her, "I didn't know you two broke up."

"It's because Kai doesn't want anyone to know that I was the one who broke up with him. The only reason why I agreed to be his girlfriend in the first place was because he actually seemed like a sweet guy. Too bad it was all a facade," Y/n frowned.

"So do we need to pretend date now that you've told Kai?" I questioned lightly.

Y/n facepalmed, "I didn't even think about that. I don't want to drag you into my drama."

"I really don't mind being your pretend girlfriend," I chuckled.

"Are you sure? Kai is very stubborn and isn't afraid to play dirty to get what he wants," Y/n ran her fingers through her hair.

"I'm sure," I grinned.

"Maybe we should set rules?" Y/n suggested, "On the off chance that we both get too carried away or lovey dovey?"

"That sounds like a good idea," I agreed.

"Okay. First rule, this is just pretend- no catching feelings for each other," She started, "Second rule, should one of us get into an actual relationship with someone, we can call off this pretend relationship. Third, we don't need to act like we're in love unless Kai is around. Is that okay?"

"Yup," I replied, popping the 'p'.

"Okay, great. Thank you so much for helping me out," She pulled me into a tight hug.

My heart started beating fast as I hugged her back. I bit my lip. I'm not starting to catch feelings am I? Nah, maybe I was still worked up from when Kai grabbed Y/n earlier.

She pulled away with a smile and muttered a 'see you later' before walking to who knows where.

I sighed and got my book out of my locker.

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