SaiDa Special

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Not sure why I decided to write this but I saw the prompt online and just had to write it.

Sana x Dahyun


Sana is who I would call my best friend.

We've been through thick and thin together. I would do anything for her and she would do anything for me.

So, naturally when Sana told me that she had a huge crush on our local superhero (Dahyun), I came to an obvious decision.

I slipped on some annoyingly tight clothes and wreaked havoc on our city. That's right, I became a supervillain.

I shot some laser beams out of my hands and aimed it right at our local superhero, "Surrender!"

"Never!" She glared back and dodged my attack.

In all seriousness, I made sure to miss hitting her each time because she's my bestfriend's crush. I had a goal and I was going to see it through.

To make Dahyun agree to take Sana out on a date.

I pinned Dahyun against a brick wall, "Why can't you just take her out on a date?! I know you like her too!"

"You have no proof of that!" Dahyun growled and shoved me away from her.

"You think I've never seen you ogling her when we walk by you?! Or how you always follow her when she walks home alone to make sure she gets there safely?" I incredulously questioned and shot some laser beams at her.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," Dahyun stuttered, dodging the beam and trying to throw a punch at me.

"That stutter of yours says otherwise!" I glared and caught her punch, throwing her over my shoulder.

She let out a groan of pain.

Some civilians who were watching us from a safe distance called out, "Just take whoever she's talking about on a date! You two are destroying the city!"

Dahyun and I glared at him.

"I've saved this city plenty of times," Dahyun yelled.

"Yeah! She's a great hero!" I defended her, "So what if we accidentally destroy the city just this once?"

The civilian immediately shut up after we glowered at him, making it known we mean business.

"Thanks," Dahyun muttered.

"Oh no problem!" I sent her two thumbs up, "Now, where were we?"

"We were in the midst of fighting," She answered.

"Oh right," I nodded my head.

We resumed our previous fighting stance and looked at each other. I watched her every move, looking for a weakness in her stance. There was none.

"Just ask her out! Then, you'll never hear from me again!" I yelled.

"It's not that simple!" She stomped her foot in a childish way. I had to admit it was very cute. No wonder Sana fell for her.

"All you have to say is 'Would you like to go out with me?' It's not rocket science!" I placed my hands on my hips.

Dahyun suddenly fell onto her knees in defeat, "I'm scared okay!"

I froze in place before cautiously approaching her. I softly asked, "What do you mean?"

"She's just...amazing. She deserves way more than me," Dahyun whispered as she hugged her knees.

Softening up, I sat down next to her, "Look, I've known Sana my whole life. If I didn't think you deserved her, we wouldn't be fighting right now."

"She's not the first person I've fallen for," Dahyun added softly, "There was another girl who was also Japanese. I was on a superhero mission and when I got back she...she..."

Dahyun burst into tears and covered her face with her hands. I pulled her into my arms and gave her a tight hug, "Shhh."

"S-She was dead. If I was here, maybe I could've saved her!" Dahyun cried, "It's all my fault."

"I'm sorry for your loss," I whispered into her ear.

"That's why I'm so scared of asking Sana out!" Dahyun punched the pavement below us, "What if I can't protect her too?"

"Hey," I lightly shushed her and prevented her from hurting herself, "I can promise you right now, I've protected Sana all of her life and I will continue to. I've got both of your backs. I have to admit, I have a soft spot for you too."

Dahyun sniffled, "Yeah it was pretty obvious when you defended me against that civilian and when you tried your best not to hit me with your beams."

I played dumb, "What do you mean?"

"I'm not stupid, Y/n. I know you purposely missed your shots so I wouldn't get hurt," Dahyun lightly chuckled.

I shrugged, "I could just be a really bad shot."

"Right," Dahyun decided to play along.

"So...?" I cocked my eyebrow at her, "Are you going to ask Sana out?"

She let out a long sigh. I looked at her expectantly with my puppy dog eyes. She looked at my expression and bursted into laughter, "Yes."

I wiped some stray tears from her face gently, "Yes?"

Dahyun grinned and stood up confidently, "Yes!"

"Hwaiting!" I winked at her as we went our separate ways.


I happily skipped to Sana's locker and grinned at her as she was opening her locker.

"What's got you all happy?" She questioned with a smile.

"Oh nothing," I answered with a teasing tone.

She cocked her eyebrow at me and opened her locker. She let out a gasp and took out an envelope. I smirked as she excitedly tore it open.

"Please meet me in the school garden during lunch," Sana read and squealed when she saw who it was from, "Do you have something to do with this?"

"Nope," I replied modestly.

Sana jumped up and down excitedly before dragging me to our shared first period class.

You might think I'm crazy for becoming a supervillain just so I can make our superhero agree to go out with Sana. But let me tell you something: there's nothing I wouldn't do for Sana.

I even earned my supervillain name because of it: Wingman.

Well, I'm really a wingwoman but I'll take what I can get.


I wrote this in about fifteen minutes so there will be grammar mistakes!

I really like writing these prompts :)

I'm just skimming through some prompts and writing as I read what they are. Lol.

I hope you guys enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them!


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