Chapter 1

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The trunk door slammed as (Y/N) looked at the boarding school that she has been attending for the majority of her life. St. Lucia's Boarding School. A school (Y/N) is just glad to be leaving for the rest of her days. Whether it was the strict teachers, the harsh punishments for rebelling, or the ridiculous rules, this school was considered hell on earth to her. She entered the passenger seat of the car and glanced at the school one last time through the car window.

Takashi: "Ready to go?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, Lets go."

The car drove off and the (h/c) haired girl smiled to herself as she relaxed into her seat. Takashi glanced over at the girl.

Takashi: "Aren't you afraid that you are leaving something important behind?"

(Y/N): "No. I'm sure that I got everything in the trunk."

Takashi: "Not your things, idiot. I mean like friends or people that may have liked you. Don't you think that leaving without saying anything will cause them concern?"

(Y/N): "I've informed my friends about my departure so there is no worry. I can always talk to them when I want to."

Takashi (L/N) is (Y/N)'s older brother. After the death of both of their parents, Takashi had to take the role as both big brother and guardian of his younger sister. Even though their age difference is by one year. They were allowed to keep the house and Takashi managed to get a job in an office to support both of them.

Takashi: "You're going to have to attend school in Hinamizawa for the rest of your school days. Don't think this gives you an excuse to drop out."

(Y/N): "Yeah, whatever. I might as well finish while I'm at it."

Takashi: "That may be the best idea that you ever had in a long time."

(Y/N) punched her brother in the arm at his smart comment and he smirked at her annoyed expression. Getting comfortable and tired, (Y/N) closed her eyes to get some sleep, knowing the road to Hinamizawa will be a long one.


St. Lucia's Boarding School

The end of class was near for the girls of St. Lucia. They sighed out of boredom as they stared at the clock, wanting to leave class as soon as the bell rang. Two hours of learning math was enough to fry every last brain in the classroom. While all the other girls had the desire to leave class on their minds, Shion Sonozaki's mind was occupied on something else. She took glances around the classroom many times as she tried to find a certain (h/c) haired girl but to no avail. She was nowhere to be seen and this concerned Shion. (Y/N) would never miss class knowing the consequences of what happens when you do. The girl would normally be sitting in the seat behind Shion either sleeping during the lesson or jotting down notes but where she used to sit was occupied by another student.


The girls rushed out of the classroom with their bags and began to fill the hallways, getting to their lockers and talking to their friends. Shion's mind was still on finding (Y/N) and before she could continue her search, she hears her name being called.

Ayaka: "Hi Shion!"

Shion sighed silently. She didn't want to be bothered by anyone. Especially when (Y/N) is nowhere to be seen. She mustered up a fake smile and turned around. 

Shion: "Hey!"

Ayaka: "Did you hear about what happened? Apparently, one of the students in St. Lucia transferred. They said that she had left last night."

Shion's fake smile immediately drops as she hears those words come from Ayaka's mouth. 'Could this girl be (Y/N)? Could she have left overnight? No. She wouldn't do that. Right? She's probably just late for class."

Ayaka: "I wonder who left. They must've been smart to leave this school. I heard that leaving the school is a lot more difficult than entering it."

Tsunade: "I know who. It was that girl that's in my anatomy class. I think her name was (Y/N)"

If it hadn't already, Shion's stomach dropped at the news. It was true. (Y/N) did leave St. Lucia. Sure, Shion understood that the school was dreadful. Hell, Shion had wanted to leave the school herself but stayed because she wanted to get closer to (Y/N). The girl was the reason why she didn't pack her bags and left this forsaken place. But since she was gone, she was back to the way she was when she first came to the school. Lonely. Shion excused herself from Ayaka and Tsunade and made a beeline to the restroom. She entered one of the stalls and locked herself in it.

Shion: "Why (Y/N)? Why did you have to leave? I want to...I want to tell you... that....that...."

Tears began to fall from Shion's eyes as she quietly cried in the girls' bathroom. The feeling of being alone again was a feeling that she tried to get away from but it had always found its way back to her in the end. She curled up in a ball and hugged her legs.

Shion: Why did you leave me alone?"

Her tears fell harder at the idea of her being alone again.

Shion: "No. I can't let her slip from my fingers. I need to tell her. I need her. I can't let her leave my life forever."

Wiping the tears away and fixing herself up, Shion pulled her phone out and made a call. She knew that her own family wouldn't help her, seeing that they were the reason why she was in this school in the first place. But she knew one person that would help her in her time of need.

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