Chapter 16: Route B

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I was heading home from the police precinct and I was beat. My body felt heavy as I walked but my spirits were high and glowing. Satoshi was caught and is now going to answer for his crimes. I can finally breathe easy knowing that this nightmare is over. When I opened the door to my home, Takashi was wearing a suit and had his luggage with him.

Takashi: "Ah, (Y/N). You're just in time."

(Y/N): "In time for what?"

Takashi: "I have to go on a business trip and you will have to man the house while I'm gone."

(Y/N): "For how long?"

Takashi: "Two weeks. Maybe more but I think that you will be fine. You're old enough to take care of yourself for once."

(Y/N): "I guess."

Takashi: "And I heard that the police finally caught that bastard that attacked you. I heard that someone had tied him up and gave him to the police like a gift with a pretty bow on it. Anyways, kid. You look tired. Go get some rest."

I walked past Takashi but he grabbed my arm with a gentle grasp.

Takashi: "Stay safe, okay? I don't want to have to come back because you nearly got killed again."

(Y/N): "I promise."

I took a quick shower before plopping on my bed and closing my eyes. Finally, I can sleep again in my own bed. 


I woke to the smell of breakfast in the air which was odd because Takashi was supposed to be gone. I got up to investigate the kitchen with a bat in hand. I will not be put back into the hospital so soon. I refuse to accept that fate again. Ready with Takashi's emergency baseball bat, I sneaked to the corner and peeked over to see a familiar green haired girl cooking.

(Y/N): "Shion? How did you get in?," I said, lowering the bat.

Shion: "Takashi let me in before he left. I wanted to see how you were holding up."

(Y/N): "So you decided to make breakfast?"

Shion: "Why not?"

I chuckled at her generosity and walked further into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it up with water. I took a sip of the water to clear my throat.

(Y/N): "Did you hear about what happened to Satoshi? Apparently, someone left him outside the precinct. Just handed him to the police like a package."

Shion: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yeah. Guess someone was being generous and decided to do the police's job for them. I'd like to thank the person who turned him in. It must've taken a lot of effort to find him. Not to mention the harm they had to have put themselves into to capture him."

I turned around to face Shion and saw that she was looking at me too. She had a grin on her face and I was confused as to why she was smiling like that. It took a few minutes before my mind immediately picked up on what her face was trying to tell me.

(Y/N): "S-Shion? Did you- Are you the one who turned Satoshi in?"

Shion: "I guess it isn't a surprise anymore, huh?"

(Y/N): "H-How? Nobody was able to find him. How did you find him?"

Shion: "To be honest, he found me. He bumped into me one night and I decided to set a trap for him. I pretended that I wasn't suspicious of him and he took me to where he was hiding. I managed to find the evidence linking him to your attack and I knocked him out while tying him up. You can figure out the rest."

(Y/N): "But why? Why did you put yourself in that much danger? He could've tried to kill you too."


Shion stepped closer to (Y/N) and grabbed a hold of her hand. She looked deep into her (e/c) eyes with her blue hues.

Shion: "Because I love you, (Y/N). I wanted to make sure that you were safe and that Satoshi would never try and hurt you again. I had promised myself years ago that I will do whatever it takes to protect you from any danger. And seeing the way you were on the night of the festival, I couldn't help but feel as if I failed you in a way. I wasn't able to protect you like I promised. I wasn't able to protect my family."

(Y/N): "Family..?"

Shion: "Nobody in my family loved me the way a family was supposed to love a family member. Along with Mion, you are considered the only family that hasn't treated me poorly. Without you, I don't know where I'd be. I did this for you because you cared. You cared about me and you were never cruel towards me."

Shion wrapped her arms around (Y/N) and hugged her. She didn't move. She didn't want to. She wanted to stay in this position. Shion rested her head under (Y/N)'s chin.

Shion: "Will you be my family?"

(Y/N): "You don't need to ask. Just know that I would do the same to protect you as well."

(Y/N) lifted Shion's chin and placed a sweet kiss on Shion's soft lips. Shion returned the kiss and the two were in a gentle kissing session. It was like their lips were made for one another. Shion's lips tasted sweet to (Y/N). They were enjoying each other's presence until (Y/N) pulled away.

Shion: "Why'd you stop?" Shion said softly.

(Y/N): "I hate to tell you this right now but I kind of volunteer you to play a game of cards with Mion to prove a point," (Y/N) whispered while trying to hold back a laugh.

Shion slapped (Y/N) on the shoulder playfully.

Shion: "You interrupted a really intimate moment for that?! Way to kill the mood, (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "I had to tell you. Otherwise Mion will think I chickened out on the bet we made."

Shion shook her head at the girl's statement.

Shion: "And you couldn't wait till afterwards?"

(Y/N): "What? She had started it. She claimed that she could beat me and I had to prove her wrong."

Shion: "So you brung me into this situation?"

(Y/N): "Hey, she was saying that she was the best and I wanted to prove her wrong. So are you going to take up the challenge?"

Shion: "Fine. But if I lose, you deserve any punishment that Mion has for you."

(Y/N): "Thanks, love."

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