Chapter 14: Route A

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"Breaking News. A body has been found near the shrine of Oyashiro. The body has been badly torture and mutilated. It looked as if it has been the result of a murder. The victim has been identified as Hojo Satoshi. He was a suspect in an assault case that had occurred at the Cotton Drifting Festival just a few nights ago. More information about the murder at eleven.'

(Y/N): "Shit...."

I stared at the television, shocked at the news. Satoshi was dead and now his killer is at large. Satoshi didn't get his day in police custody. Suddenly, the phone rang.

(Y/N): "Hello?"

Keiichi: "(Y/N)? Did you watch the news?"

(Y/N): "Yeah..."

Keiichi: "So Satoshi did attack you. I never would've thought he would do something like that. And now he is dead."

My mind started to wonder. Satoshi may have tried to kill me but that doesn't mean that death was the best outcome for him. I rubbed my bandaged temple and tried to process all of this.

Keiichi: "(Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "I'm sorry, Keiichi. I have to go."

I hung up the phone and continued to watch the news. I can only think of how Satoko might be feeling. For her only brother to be killed must be hitting her hard. I should see if she is okay. I grabbed my jacket and left the house, ignoring the phone ringing as I closed the door. I dashed to the Hojo household and knocked on the door. Satoko's step-dad had answered the door and was surprised at me being at the house.

Mr. Hojo: "(Y/N)? What a surprise. I didn't think that you would come here."

(Y/N): "I just came to check on you and Satoko. I saw the news and I couldn't help but check in on you all."

Mr. Hojo allowed me in the house and guided me to the living room. Mrs. Hojo was with Satoko who was in tears.

Mr. Hojo: "(Y/N) came by to check on us."

(Y/N): "Hi Mrs. Hojo. Hi Satoko."

Mrs. Hojo got up from her spot and walked towards me. She suddenly hugged me and started to sob on my shoulder. I couldn't help but pat her back in an attempt to calm her down.

Mrs. Hojo: "We're sorry, (Y/N). I know that an apology won't do much but I just want to express how sorry we are for Satoshi attacking you that night."

(Y/N): "It's not your fault, Mrs. Hojo."

Mrs. Hojo: "It is. He is our son and if he didn't go and attack you for no reason, he wouldn't have been murdered. His death was a result of his actions."

Mr. Hojo gently moved Mrs. Hojo off of me as they both continued to express their apologies for Satoshi's actions. I repeatedly assure them that there was no need for them to apologize. Excusing myself, I made my way to Satoko and sat beside her.

(Y/N): "Hey Satoko."

Satoko: "Why? Why did he do it?"

I decided not to tell Satoko the details of why Satoshi did what he did. She didn't need to know the details anyways.

(Y/N): "I don't know, Satoko."

She continued to cry. I placed a hand on her shoulder and tried to comfort her.

Satoko: "Satoshi didn't deserve to die. Why did Oyashiro have to kill him?"

(Y/N): "Oyashiro?"

Satoko: "My parents said that the reason why Satoshi is dead is because Oyashiro had to punish him. Oyashiro punished him because he attacked you. If he didn't, he would've been saved and now I'm scared that Oyashiro is going to take you too."

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