Chapter 5

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Shion POV


Satoshi and I were walking in the park as we continued to talk about each other. We have already had breakfast at one of the restaurants. He mainly talked about his family and how he was a part of the Hinamizawa baseball team. From time to time, he would give me compliments which didn't bother me one bit. When we reached the pond, we stopped at the pond to look and enjoyed the sun's reflection on the water. As I looked up, I saw Mion with (Y/N) laughing with one another while walking in the opposite direction. My eyes widened and I couldn't stop the smile from creeping onto my face. I started to walk around the pond towards her, Satoshi following behind me. I couldn't contain my excitement and ended up yelling both their names.

Shion: "(Y/N)! Mion!"

(Y/N) and Mion turned around and they both smiled. (Y/N)'s smile made butterflies form in my stomach and I eventually ran the rest of the way, unable to contain this sudden excitement and joy.


Shion ran straight for me and I managed to catch her in my arms. She squeezed me tightly as she chuckled. Mion chuckled behind me as well.

Shion: "I missed you so much. I'm so happy to see you"

I laughed out and continued to hug her as her grip got tighter while rolling my eyes. 

(Y/N): "It has only been three days, Shion."

Shion pulled back.

Shion: "I know but it feels like it has been forever."

The two of us looked at each other awkwardly for a moment before breaking into another laugh. Mion broke the silence.

Mion: "Hello to you too, Shion."

Shion walked towards her sister and gave her a hug before kissing her on the cheek. Mion's face became beet red at her sister's way of showing affection.

Mion: "Yah! Shion, why did you do that?! That's weird!"

Shion: "Aw, don't be shy, Onee. I just haven't seen you in so long."

(Y/N): "Who is this with you by the way, Shion?"

Shion: "Oh! This is Satoshi. We met yesterday and we just got done eating breakfast together. Satoshi, this is (Y/N) and that is my twin sister, Mion."

Mion: "Hey, Satoshi. Long time no see."

I greeted the yellow haired boy. Shion asked the two of us to join her on her outing with Satoshi. Even though I declined her offer, seeing that it was an outing between her and Satoshi, she insisted that we come along. She grabbed me by my hand and started to drag me around the park. Mion and Satoshi followed right behind us.


The four decided to continue the tour of Hinamizawa that Mion was taking (Y/N). Things has changed since Shion and (Y/N) had been at Okinomiya and they both need a reminder of where everything was. They visited cafes, gift shops, libraries, and more parks. The entire time Shion was attached to (Y/N)'s arm and never let go. 



Nighttime had already hit Hinamizawa as the four of us were heading home. We stopped in front of Shion's apartment and Mion went her separate way, saying her goodbyes and leaving Shion, Satoshi, and I alone.

Satoshi: "I really had a nice time today, Shion. I'm glad that you allowed me to take you out. You mind if I escort you to your apartment?"

Shion shook her head and chuckled at Satoshi's request. The smirk that was on his face dropped upon hearing her laugh.

Shion: "No thanks. (Y/N) will be escorting me to my apartment. But thanks anyways."

Satoshi and I were surprised at her answer and Shion simply smiled while walking to the door leading to the lobby. I looked at Satoshi and he had a small smile on his face and nodded at her request. It just dawned on me now that Shion hasn't untangled her arm from around mine all day. She basically has attached herself to me ever since we reunited from being apart for three days. Shion pulled me through the lobby, leaving Satoshi by his lonesome. Once we reached Shion's apartment door, she had finally untangled herself from me, the blood circulation finally regaining in my arm.

Shion: "I had a fun time today with you and the others. I'm glad that we are finally together again."

(Y/N): "Me too, Shion. It's nice to hang out with you again. This time outside of Okinomiya."

Shion nodded in agreement and looked at me for a moment. Her blue eyes had a soft look to them. 

Shion: "So?"

(Y/N): "So what?"

Shion: "Aren't you going to ask to come in?"

My face heated up immediately as I looked away from Shion in embarrassment. 

Shion: "I'm kidding. Your face was so red."

(Y/N): "Geez, Shion. You're such as tease."

I sighed at her and looked at her only to notice that she had gotten extremely close to me. I was about to step away but she grabbed my hand and continued to stare deep into my eyes. She pressed her lips on mine and leaned in. I was too shocked to return the kiss immediately and before I could, she pulled back and smiled warmly, a blush spread across her own face.

Shion: "I've always wanted to do that. Actually, I wanted to do that for a long time. I-I love you, (Y/N). I love you so much!"

Still blinded by the kiss, I looked at Shion with my mouth agape. My heart and stomach have had to be doing gymnastics together because of how many butterflies were taking up residence inside me. I tried to find my words though my mind that was currently shutting down. 

'Damn it (Y/N)! Say something before she thinks you are rejecting her.'

(Y/N): "I-I love you too."

Shion squealed cutely and wrapped her arms around me, placing another kiss on my cheek while doing so. I smiled and returned the hug as well. 

(Y/N): "Is this why you have been so clinging this whole time?"

Shion: "Maybe. "

(Y/N): "You're really something, Shion."

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