Chapter 3.5

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3rd year

(Y/N) had been ill for the past few days and had decided to stay in her dorm room for the rest of the week. She didn't tell Shion about it with the intention of not bothering her with something as common as the common cold. She got her work from her classes after school so she didn't have to worry about assignments. She decided to get some rest in order to kill this cold.

Meanwhile in Auditorium

The principal of the school had gathered all students attending their classes to a meeting in the auditorium. She adjusted her glasses and started to speak.

"Attention students. As you may already know, a student was recently found dead on campus last night. This has been the third death to have taken place at St. Lucia and as the principal of this school, it is my duty to make sure that no more students and staff are hurt. So for now, all students must report to their dorm rooms before 7pm instead of 8pm to prevent any loitering and future deaths. We will make sure that St. Lucia remains a safe environment for all of you and we will keep all of you updated on the incident and how we will aim to solve it. Thank you."

Shion: "I doubt that they will do anything about it."

Mizuho: "W-What makes you think that?"

Mizuho was one of the students of St. Lucia. She also was an outcast to the school and she had a similar background to Shion as well. So the two of them got along well. She was the first person to discover the first dead body in the school.

Shion: "Ever since that teacher was found in that pool, they haven't done a thing to prevent another death from happening. For all we know, a killer can still be at large."

Mizuho: "L-Let's hope that no more students get hurt."

Mariko and Haruka: "Shion!"

Mariko and Haruka, two of (Y/N)'s friends, jogged towards Shion with concerned looks on their faces. 

Shion: "Mariko and Haruka, what is it?"

Haruka: "Have you seen (Y/N)? I haven't seen her for quite some time. She hasn't left her dorm room for almost a week."

Shion: "You mean you haven't seen her either?"

Mariko: "No, not at all."

Shion's mind went into overdrive and she excused herself from the group before running towards (Y/N)'s dorm. She didn't think that (Y/N)'s absence was a problem because they didn't share any classes together and she thought that her friends would know. Now thinking back, she should've checked up on (Y/N) anyways. But after hearing that her friends had no idea where she was and the fact that there were murders occurring at the school, her mind immediately went to the worst possible outcome. That (Y/N) could've been killed by the twisted killer and she had been lying dead in her room for almost a week.

Shion: "Please be okay, (Y/N)"

Shion knocked on the door of (Y/N)'s room numerous times, waiting impatiently for the girl to answer. (Y/N) opened the door, eyes half opened and hair sticking in every direction. Shion immediately hugged her and held her tight in relief.

(Y/N): "What's up, Shion." The girl's voice was raspy due to the combination her just getting up and her sore throat. Shion nearly flinched at how her voice sounded. She had a closer look at (Y/N) and she seen that wasn't looking so good. Her skin was slightly paler than its original tone and her eyes were bloodshot red. The girl looked weak.

Shion: "(Y/N), are you okay?"

(Y/N): "I just got a cold is all."

Shion: "Why didn't you tell me you were sick?"

(Y/N): "I didn't want to bother you with it. Anyways, why did you knock on the door like that?"

Shion: "I got worried. When your friends said that they didn't see you come out of your room, I thought something bad happened to you. With another student being found dead, it worries me that there is a chance that you could be next."

(Y/N): "Another student was found dead? Geez, I'm surprised that they haven't closed the school down after the first murder. This school really has gone to shit if they are still letting students be here with a killer on the loose."

(Y/N) placed a hand on Shion's shoulder while giving her a reassuring smile. 

(Y/N): "Don't worry. Nothing bad will happen to me. I won't let it happen."

Shion: "Thank you. Now let me help you with that cold."

(Y/N): "Alright."

Shion helped (Y/N) with her cold and decided to stay by her bedside overnight. She was still scared of killer that may roam the school and she wanted (Y/N) to be safe. It was then when Shion realized that she couldn't afford to lose (Y/N) either by the hands of a killer or under any other circumstances. From this day on, Shion has held (Y/N) closer to her heart than anybody else in her life.

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