Chapter 4

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Shion POV

10:45 p.m

I plopped on the bed with the landline as I continued to dry my hair with a towel. I had just got out of the shower and was getting ready to call Mion. She doesn't know that I am in Hinamizawa and I know that she isn't one to tell the rest of the family that I am. I dialed the number and waited for her to respond.

Mion: "Hello?"

Mion's voice was heard from the other side of the phone.

Shion: "Hey sis. It's Shion."

Mion: "Oh, hey! I was kinda worried when you didn't call the last couple of days. I thought something must've happened to you. What's up?"

Shion: "Hey, can I ask you a question? It's something really important."

Mion: "I also have something to ask you as well but you can start first."

Shion: "Has there been any new students attending your school during this time?"

Mion: "Hmm, now that you mentioned it, there has been a new student. Your friend (Y/N) has transferred to the same school as me. Do you know why she transferred?"

Shion: "No. She didn't tell me that she did. She just upped and left without saying anything."

I sat on the phone thinking about the reasons why (Y/N) didn't tell me she was leaving. We were friends. We were closer to each other than anybody else at the school. We could've left the school together that day. Did she leave just to get away from me? Was I being too clingy? Did she not like me anymore?

Mion: "Shion..? Hello?"

Shion: "Ah! Sorry. Um, about (Y/N) you have her number?"

Mion: "Yeah, I can give it to you if you like. Or I can give her yours."

Shion: "I-I think you should give my number to her."

I mentally face palmed myself at the stutter in my words. Why am I so nervous to talk to (Y/N)? I haven't been like this before....

Shion: "Anyways, you said that you had to ask me something?"

Mion: "Uhh, Shion? Do you happen to like (Y/N)?"

Shion: "Y-Yes. Of course I do. She is my best friend."

Mion: "No. I mean do you like her. Like more than just friends?"

Shion: "W-What makes you think that I like her in that way?"

Mion: "You're getting nervous as we are talking about her. When you call me, you always talk about her and you never hang out with your other friends like you hang out with (Y/N). I don't know much about love but that is a dead giveaway that you really like someone."

Shion: "Y-You're being silly!"

Mion: "But you didn't deny it."

I could feel Mion's smug expression through the phone as my cheeks grew increasingly red.

Mion: "Alright. I'll let (Y/N) know that you called and want to talk to her. Goodnight."

I said my goodbyes and hung up the phone. I laid back on the mattress and tried to regulate my breathing. My cheeks still remained the same beet red color and I started to get deep in thought. Liking (Y/N) as more than friends.... The idea of being able to hold (Y/N)'s hand in a romantic way. Going on dates...kissing her cheek...embracing her... If it was possible, my face has gotten even redder.

Shion: "Geez, I am in love with (N/N). As much as I hate to say it but Mion is right. Awwww, what if she doesn't love me back?"


The sound of the landline ringing beside my bed brings me out of my slumber. I blinked a few times and glanced over at the dark red lights that illuminated from the alarm clock. It read 11:28 pm. I sighed annoyed and picked up the phone, not bothering to sit up from my position.

(Y/N): "Hello?" My raspy voice rearing its ugly head.

Mion: "Hey (Y/N)!"

It was Mion. Why is she calling me this late?

(Y/N): "Mion, it's late. Why are you calling me at this hour?"

Mion: "Well, I was going to tell you something important but since you are busy, I might as well just hang u-

(Y/N): "Wait! What did you want to tell me?"

Mion: "Shion called and said that she was looking for you."

(Y/N): "Looking for me? What do you mean?"

Mion: "Well long story short, ever since you transferred from St. Lucia, Shion was lonely and wanted to be with you. So she called me and wanted to know if you were in Hinamizawa. By the sound of it, she is in Hinamizawa as well and she wanted me to give you her number."

I reached beside my bed and grabbed a notepad and pen before jotting down Shion's number. Laying back down, I continued to talk to Mion some more.

Mion: "And you didn't hear this from me but I think that Shion has a crush on you. It's just a hunch though. Don't take my word for it."

My half closed eyes grew wide at Mion's words. My heart had fluttered from the idea of Shion having a crush on me.

(Y/N): "R-Really? I mean how can you be sure?"

Mion: "(Y/N). Shion talks about you every chance she gets. Plus, think about it. What other reason would she have to follow you to Hinamizawa? No ordinary friend will do that. Shion is my sister and I know when she likes someone and when she loves someone. And right now, she LOVES you."

(Y/N): "You have a point."

Mion: "So how about you? Do you have a crush on Shion?"

(Y/N): "W-Why would I tell you that?"

Mion: "I just outed Shion as being interested in you. The least you can do is answer my question otherwise I will have to punish you. And trust me, it will be worse than Keiichi's."

(Y/N): "I may have a crush on Shion."

Mion: "I knew it!"

Mion yawned after her cheer and said her goodbyes before hanging up her phone. I hung up the phone as well and laid back into my pillow. I started to think about what Mion said. About Shion having a crush on me and I tried to look back and see if there were any signs of this from the start. Now thinking about it, there were a ton of them. From sleeping in the same bed to her always taking care of me when I get sick and me returning the favor. To think that it was obvious and that I didn't pick it up sooner. But it doesn't matter now.



I started to feel bad about not informing her of me taking my leave. I've told everyone except her and I don't know why. It must've slipped my mind but even that is hard to believe. She had been there for me when she didn't have to and yet I didn't even tell her that I was leaving Okinomiya. Maybe I should call her. I reached for the phone and dialed the number before holding the phone up to my ear. As the phone ringed, it just dawned on me that it was late and that she was probably sleeping. I face palmed myself at my lack of attention towards the time.

Shion: "Hello?"

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