Chapter 15: Route B

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Author-chan: "This chapter is the same as Route A but is has been changed for Route B." 

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Shion raised her arms and hit Satoshi in the head with the baseball bat. Satoshi fell and was unconscious after the first hit. She wanted Satoshi to pay but she knew that she had to allow the police to take care of it. Torturing Satoshi wouldn't give anyone satisfaction. Instead of listening to the insane part of her, she decided to tie up Satoshi and planned on giving him to the police.

1 week later


(Y/N) put on her coat that was left by Takashi and fixed the hospital bed. She was now discharged from the hospital and was free to go home. She walked towards the exit, bidding farewell to both Dr. Irie and the receptionist.

(Y/N): "Finally. Some fresh air."

The h/c girl has been in the hospital for so long that she forgot what the air outside the place was like. (Y/N) started to walk the streets of Hinamizawa until she reached a gift shop. She had remembered the promise that she made to Rika and decided to fulfill that promise. Entering the shop, she browsed the goods and came across a group of plushies. One had caught her eye. It was of a girl with light purple hair and horns. She was dressed in a robe similar to Rika's when she danced on stage. (Y/N) decided to get the plushie along with some candies and flowers. After purchasing the gifts, I headed to the Furude residence. When I arrived, I knocked on the door.

Rika: "Hello, Nee-chan. What are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "I've come to give you these. I did make a promise."

(Y/N) gave Rika the presents, causing Rika's eyes to light up.

Rika: "Nee-chan, you didn't have to get me these. Especially since you were in the hospital."

(Y/N): "No, it's fine. I promised that I would give you something for doing a good job and you did. I won't take them back."

Rika looked at the plushie and was shocked at the toy. The plushie looked familiar to someone that she knows but she wasn't sure who.

Rika: "Thank you, Nee-chan. I promise that I'll take care of these."

(Y/N): "No problem. I'll see you tomorrow then."


(Y/N) decided to have lunch at the restaurant, the Angel Mort. Once she walked inside, a waitress greeted her and she walked towards one of the booths. She was surprised at the uniforms that waitresses were wearing

'I can see why Takashi didn't want me to work here.'

Shion: "Hello, welcome to the Angel Mort. Can I take your order?"

(Y/N) turned her head to see Shion in an Angel Mort's uniform. Shion works here? The uniform was so...revealing....It displayed Shion's bare shoulders and cleavage while also showing her upper thighs. The outfit wasn't skimpy but it sure did leave little to the imagination for some.

(Y/N): "S-Shion?"

Shion: "A-Ah! (Y/N)! This is embarrassing..."

(Y/N): "I didn't know that you worked here."

Shion: "Well there aren't many places I can work at with my family situation. And it pays well."

(Y/N): "But that uniform though. Leaves little to imagination to those pervy patrons."

Shion: "Y-yeah..."

(Y/N): " look good in it. Just don't know how I feel about other people staring and making faces at you."

Shion: "Don't worry, (N/N). I only allow you to look at me."

(Y/N)'s face burst at Shion's comment and she looked away.

(Y/N): "I-I wasn't looking at you like that..."

Shion: "Whatever you say, sweetheart. Anyways, what would you like to order?"

(Y/N): "I'll take a....(f/f) and a (f/d)."

"Coming right up."

Shion walked away, leaving (Y/N) alone at the booth. She decided to look around the small restaurant. Besides her, there are only two other customers. She sat back down and started to look at the bandages. She still had to wear them in order to prevent them from getting worse.

Shion: "Here you go."

Shion placed (Y/N)'s food on the table and (Y/N) thanked her. Shion sat on the opposite of the table.

Shion: "How are your wounds?"

(Y/N): "Still healing up. Doc said I had to keep them on."

(Y/N) took a bite out of her food and Shion sat quietly.

(Y/N): "Where have you been?"

Shion: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "I haven't seen you in a week. Have you been busy?"

Shion: "Yeah. I've been working a lot and then I have classes."

(Y/N): "Must be a pain. Too bad that your family won't lend a hand."

(Y/N) continued to eat while Shion continued to look at her. Shion reached out and grasped (Y/N)'s hand and held it tight.

'Don't worry, (Y/N). It will be all over eventually."

Police Precinct

Detective Ooishi stared through the window of the interrogation room.

Ooishi: "Satoshi Hojo. How did we get so lucky?

Satoshi was simply found outside of the precinct tied up along with a box of evidence linking him to the crime. Detective Ooishi had already interviewed him and Satoshi confessed to everything. He could proudly say that he had solved this case. Even though he received help from an unknown source.

Ooishi: "Time to inform Ms. (L/N)."

A little later

(Y/N): "You got him," (Y/N) said surprised. She was sure that Satoshi would never be caught but here he was.

Ooishi: "Yep."

(Y/N): "How did you find him?"

Ooishi: "He found us. Someone had left him at the entrance of the precinct tied up like a Christmas present on Christmas day. We searched the cameras and tried to trace back to whoever left him here but we found nothing and he won't say who. Whoever they are, I owe them a drink."

(Y/N): "So what happens to him?"

Ooishi: "What always happens to people who commit crimes. He will answer for his crime in court and will be sent to jail. If he is lucky, he will get either a short sentence or probation. We'll take him from here, (Y/N). Go home. Get some rest. You had a harsh two weeks."

(Y/N): "Yeah..."

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