Chapter 2

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Shion: "Thanks Kasai," Shion said as she sat in the back seat of the car. She had called Kasai, one of the many bodyguards of the Sonozaki family, to come get her out of school and escort her to Hinamizawa. Even though her family has long disowned her, Kasai had always had a soft spot for her.

Kasai: "It is my pleasure to help, Ms. Shion Sonozaki."

Shion POV

'I never thought that I would find myself returning to Hinamizawa. But then again, where else will I go if I were to have left St. Lucia? I doubt that I will receive a warm welcome from my family anyways. Ever since they shipped me off to that boarding school, I haven't received a single phone call, letter, or any other sort of attempt of communication from them. Except Mion, she's the only one that has even talked to me. But family is not the reason that I am coming back to Hinamizawa. (Y/N) is.'


I flipped through the newspaper in search of a job. If I want to get well acquainted with Hinamizawa again, I have to get a job and help Takashi as much as I can. But none of them appealed my interest and I was ready to throw in the towel. Takashi leaned in beside me and glanced at the newspaper as well while holding a cup of coffee.

Takashi: "Find anything good?"

(Y/N): "No. None of these jobs are interesting. Hmm...How about this waitress gig at the Angel Mort?"

Takashi: "Hell no! I've been in that restaurant and the way some of those customers treat the waitresses is insane. If any of them were to do anything to you, they will end up in the hospital without warning."

I chuckled at my brother's protective nature and continued to look into the newspaper. My eye caught a job as cashier in a convenience store.


Next Day


I walked the trail to the new school I will be attending while I adjusted the collar on my shirt. It was nearly choking me to death. I decided to wear what I wore at St. Lucia but without the blazer. 

(Y/N): "I hope this school isn't as bad as the last...," I whispered to myself.

Rena: "Hey!"

I turned around to see three other people walking the trail. Two girls and a boy. The girl with light brown hair waved at me. She quickened her steps and beat the others towards me. 'They must go to this school as well.'

Rena: "Hey! I've never seen you in Hinamizawa before. Are you new here? New here?"

(Y/N): "No. I've lived here for quite some time. I just came back here from Okinomiya. " I rubbed the back of my neck.

Rena: "Well, welcome back to Hinamizawa! I'm Rena Ryuugu!"

Keiichi: "I'm Keiichi Maebara and this is Mion."

Mion: "Greetings. I'm Mion Sonozaki."

Sonozaki? That last name sounds familiar. But then again, it could be a common name here. But her hair also has a familiar color to it.

(Y/N): "I'm (Y/N)(L/N)."

Rena: "So you'll be going to our school? That's amazing! I hope that we can be the best of friends," Rena beamed.

I walked with the three of them as Rena went on about what she saw yesterday and how cute it was. My focus was on Mion the entire time, occasionally taking my gaze off of her to nod at Rena's comments. She looked so much like...Shion. But she isn't Shion because she is far different from her. They have to be twin sisters. Either that or it's just a major coincidence that they look alike. Once we reached the school, I was introduced to the other students and the homeroom teacher, Ms. Chie.

Class in Session....

I was assigned to sit next to Mion and I began to work with the others. Ms. Chie was busy assisting the underclassmen and teaching the much younger students in the class. I breezed through the work and found myself bored after completing it all. Which was new because never was the work at St. Lucia this easy. Looking up, I decided to take in my surroundings, eyes wandering towards the nooks and crannies of the classroom. It was a small classroom for so many students. Not to mention that all of them are different based on their ages and grade levels. Ms. Chie has her hands full, huh? My eyes stopped their journey upon hearing Mion's voice call out to me.

Mion: "(Y/N)? Can I ask a question?"

(Y/N): "Sure, Mion."

Mion: "What school did you come from?"

(Y/N): "St. Lucia Boarding School. Why do you ask?"

Mion: "Because you mention that you came back from Okinomiya. My sister goes to that school as well."

(Y/N): "Sister? You mean Sonozaki Shion? She's your sister?"

Mion: "Yeah. I was wondering why your name sounded so familiar. Shion had mentioned you. Believe it or not, she always talks about you when we get the chance to talk."

I was surprised. Sure, I talked and hung out with Mion's twin but I never would have thought that Shion would talk about me in such a positive way. And often. To her sister of all people even. I smiled at the thought of it.

(Y/N): "How come she doesn't go to school here with you? I thought that since you are twin sisters, you two would be inseparable."

Mion: "I-It's complicated. It's more of a family issue than anything."

'What kind of family issue would that be?'

Mion: "Hey, bye the way, would you like to stay after school with me and the others? We have a club meeting and I would like for you to join us."

(Y/N): "Sure. Count me in."

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