Chapter 10.5

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Shion and Satoshi arrived at an abandoned house on the outskirts of Hinamizawa. It was a few minutes away from the city and not many people walk these roads. Despite the outside looking abandoned, the inside looked like any other house. Neat and well kept.

Shion: "This place looks nice."

Satoshi: "Thanks. I found this place long ago and decided to make it into something."

The house was furnished and had a small kitchen. It was like every house in Hinamizawa but there was no bathroom. Satoshi winced a bit and Shion sped up towards him.

Shion: "Let me take a look at that leg."

Satoshi sat in one of the chairs and raised his pant leg. A large bruise was revealed, contrasting with his pale skin.

Shion: "It looks really bad. I'll be back."

Shion walked into the kitchen to grab an ice pack. She returned and placed the ice pack on Satoshi's leg.

Satoshi: "Thanks."


Satoshi: "Uh, Shion? So if you are not dating (Y/N), then who are you dating?"

Shion: "No one. To be honest, I just said that because I was really nervous."

Satoshi: "So you were nervous? I was nervous too. And when you rejected me, I was so upset. But I'm glad that you told me this because I still like you."

Shion: "To be honest....I like you too."

Satoshi was over the moon when he heard that. Finally, the girl he wanted to be with had accepted his confession. But he can't help but feel bad about (Y/N). In his mind, he thought that he was getting rid of an obstacle but he ended up hurting someone of the innocent party. But that didn't bother him much. He didn't care about it and thought of it as collateral damage. He finally got the girl of his dreams.

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