Chapter 17: Finale

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It was high noon at the school of Hinamizawa as (Y/N) and Shion entered the school. There were no students due to early dismissal so the gang had the school all to themselves for the evening. (Y/N) had dragged Shion into a bet that she had no control over and now had to play her sister at a game of cards.

Shion: "I still can't believe that you dragged me into this bet."

(Y/N): "Lighten up, Shion. Think of it as a bonding experience with your sister. You haven't seen her a long time so why not bond with a game of cards."

(Y/N) opened the door to see the rest of the club members waiting on her and Shion. She grinned evilly at Mion.

(Y/N): "Mion Sonozaki! I have brung Shion as a part of the challenge! Prepare to lose your dignity horribly!," (Y/N) declared while pointing at the girl. Mion laughed at (Y/N)'s declaration.

Mion: "As if! The only person that will lose is you when I beat Shion! You might as well receive your punishment right now while you still have YOUR dignity."

Rena: "Oooh, it's finally happening! Shii-chan vs. Mii-chan."

Rika: "The battle against sisters. This should be a good one."

Satoko: "Might as well place your bets now because this could get ugly. My bets on Mion."

Keiichi: "What?! No way. My bets on Shion. If there is anybody that could beat Mion, it has to be her own sister. And I have waited so long to see Mion finally eat her words."

Mion: "I heard that!"

Keiichi: "I wasn't hiding it anyways."

Mion: "Prepare yourself, Shion! For I will prove once and for all that I am the greatest in all of Hinamizawa!"

Shion:"Okay Mion! Let's see if you can actually beat me."

The twins sat at a table facing each other and Keiichi shuffled the cards. The atmosphere had gotten tense and everyone watched intensely.

Keiichi and (Y/N): "Let the games begin!"

4 games later

Rika: "Shion - 3"

Satoko: "Mion - 1"

Mion started to sweat bullets as she had come to realize that she was about to get beat by her sister. A part of her didn't want to take up this challenge because she knew that Shion was good at cards. She could remember the times when they were younger where Shion would constantly beat her in every game that they played. Sure she won a few but it was always Shion who won the majority of them. But she couldn't give up now. Not when she has the time to get back in the game.

Shion: "What's wrong, sis? You look a bit nervous," Shion teased.

Mion: "W-What? No way. I'm just thinking about how I'm going to beat you. And I'm very sure that this hand is a winner."

Shion: "Careful Mion. Remember last time you got cocky?"

7 years ago

Mion and Shion were playing cards together outside the Sonozaki residence. Mion had lost for the 7th time in a row and was frustrated to the point that the poor girl's cheeks were red. But Mion was confident about the hand she had. She knew that she will be able to break Shion's winning streak and in her 10 year old mind, that was a victory in itself. She had a large grin on her face. As she looked up to her sister, she yelled:

Mion: "Go!"

The girls showed their card and the smile on Mion's face fell. Shion's hand was way better than hers and she ended up losing for the 8th time today. Mion was crushed. Shion laughed at Mion's facial expression. 

Mion: "Cheater!," Mion said with tears in the corner of her eyes while pointing at Shion.

Shion:"I'm not a cheater! You just suck at this game, Mion!"

Mion:"Mom! Grandma! Shion's cheating again!"

Flashback ended

Mion gritted her teeth at that memory and Shion smirked.

6 games later

Rika: "Shion - 5"

Mion: "Mion - 5"

Mion: "Might as well give up Shion. Because we already know who is about to win this match."

Shion: "Hmph. The only reason why you managed to win the past couple of games is because you cheated. I didn't expect my own sister to cheat her way to victory. And our little referees didn't even call you out for it either."

Rika: "Rules in the club said that any and all members are allowed to use whatever means to win any and all club games."

Shion: "Why do I have a feeling that you just made that up for this occasion?"

(Y/N): "It's true, Shion. You can use whatever it takes to win games. Cheating is allowed."

Shion: "And you didn't tell me this sooner why?"

(Y/N): "I forgot?"

Keiichi: "Okay ladies, show your cards!"

The two threw their cards down and everyone held their breath. But everyone ended up gasping in shock. It was a draw. The twins had the exact same cards in their hands.

Rena: "I-It's a tie..."

Rika: "Which means nobody won."

Shion: "What..?"

Mion: "No way..."

Satoko: "Guess nobody is getting punished. Oh well. Can we end this game already?," Satoko said impatiently.

Mion: "Wait! I have something to say. (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Yeah?"

Mion: "I like to call this a truce. No more war?"

(Y/N): "If this truce counts as you not eating any more of my food, then you got yourself a deal."

Mion: "I can't make any promises."

Shion: "Are you two friends now?"

(Y/N) and Mion: "Yeah."

The two hugged out their troubles before going back to the table with the others.

Mion: "Now how about you play me in a game of cards? Free of punishment."

(Y/N): "I have a hard time believing that but count me in."

The two played cards with one another while everyone was occupied with their own problems. Rena was hugging Rika tightly while cooing about how cute she was. Satoko was trying to pry Rena off of Rika to allow the purple haired girl to breathe but Rena's grip was as tight as iron. Meanwhile, Keiichi was trying to observe the card game but was interrupted by Rika and Satoko because of their cries of help. Mion and (Y/N) were busy playing against each other, determination in both of their eyes. And then there is Shion. Hugging (Y/N) from behind while she watched the commotion around them. She smiled to herself and whispered:

Shion: "My family."


Route B Ending: True Family



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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