Chapter 7

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Rena: "Rika, you were amazing!" Rena praised.

Mion: "Yeah, you made it look so easy, Rika.

Rika: "Thanks." 

Rika looked towards (Y/N) and walked towards her.

Rika: "Did you like the performance, Nee-chan?"

(Y/N): "The performance was amazing, Rika. You did well."

Rika: "Thank you!," Rika squealed.

Rena: "OoH! It's almost time to drop cotton in the river. Come on everyone."

Everyone was heading for the river. As the gang was about to head there as well, Satoko tapped on (Y/N)'s arm.

Satoko: "(Y/N)? Have you seen my Nii Nii?"

(Y/N): "Nii Nii? You mean Satoshi?"

Satoko: "He was with us when Rika was on stage but he left during the performance. I don't know where he is but he promised that we drop cotton in the river together."

Shion: "(N/N), are you coming with us?"

(Y/N): "You go with Shion. I'll go look for him and when I find him, I'll bring him to the river."

(Y/N) set off to find Satoshi. She knew that he couldn't be at any of the tents so she set off to search for him in the forests.


I walked the trails of the forests in search of Satoshi. The roads were occupied with two or three people but overall, everyone was at the river. The deeper I got, the more darker it got and more trees were making the trails narrow. I heard some bushes and turned around to see nothing there.

(Y/N): "Satoshi!"

I started to yell Satoshi's name in an attempt to get his attention. Wherever he may be.

(Y/N): "Satoshi!"

"Damnit! God Damnit!"

I heard shouting coming from ahead of me. Looking around, I saw a figure in the distance in front of me. The person was swinging what looked to be a baseball bat at one of the trees. The figure was beating the tree to a pulp. I took a few steps forward to get a better view.

(Y/N): "Satoshi?"

The figure turned its head and looked in my direction. The person was wearing an red oni mask and was sporting a black hoodie. My eyes widened in fear and stood still, hoping that the figure would mistaken me for a tree. I tried to hide my fear with a smirk. This has to be a prank, right? They're just trying to scare me or trying to scare someone. This is just a prank. Suddenly, the figure ran towards me with the baseball bat. By the looks of it, this wasn't a joke at all. My legs reacted quickly and I began to run away from them. I tried to retrace my steps back to the festival area but before I knew it, I was running deeper into the woods. Damn. I turned back to see the figure still pursuing me and out of adrenaline, I grabbed the biggest stick that I could find. I took my stance and stood my ground, ready for the fight that is about to come.


The figure began to swing the bat towards (Y/N)'s head only for the (h/c) haired girl to block it with the stick. She took this opportunity and swung the stick, hitting the figure in their torso three times and their arm twice. They grunted and swung the bat, managing to land a hit to (Y/N)'s torso before landing another hit to her cheek. (Y/N) used the rest of her energy to hit her attacker in the leg before eventually falling over because of the pain to her face. The figure stood over her and began to hit her with the bat over and over again.

"Die! Die! She is mine. Not! Yours!"

The figure screamed and continued to hit (Y/N) with their baseball bat until a voice shouted at the two.

"Hey!," a much older man's voice caused the figure to run away from (Y/N) and into the woods. Two men walked towards (Y/N) to see if she was okay.

Old Man: "You okay, kid?"

The older man saw that (Y/N) was still conscious and helped her out of the forest with the other much younger man. (Y/N) eventually passes out from her injuries and hits the ground hard.

Old Man: "Shit! She's out cold. Go get help!"

The younger man ran to get help while the older man stayed with (Y/N).

"It'll be okay kid. Stay with me now."


The rest of the group were watching the small pieces of cotton float down the stream. A few lights gave the river some light in the dark night. While everyone was watching, Shion was concerned about (Y/N)'s whereabouts. She had missed the most important part of the festival and she hadn't seen her since she left to look for Satoshi. Mion noticed her sister's uneasiness and tried to comfort her.

Mion: "She'll be back, Shion."

Shion: "But she has been gone for a long time. She was supposed to be finding Satoshi but she hasn't come back yet."

Mion: "Don't worry. I know she is somewhere around here. You're just be-

Young Man: "Help!"

The same young man yelled as he tried to get people's attention. Everyone's attention went from the river to him. He was trying to catch his breath while informing everyone of the unfortunate events that are unfolding.

Young Man: "We need an ambulance! Someone is hurt!"

Another man walked towards the man, claiming that he was a doctor and asked to be led to whoever was hurt. The man led the doctor back into the forests while one of the other festival goers called the police. Worry started to fill Shion as her mind started to race. Unconsciously, she ran after the two men, causing Mion, Keiichi, and Rena to run after her as well. Once they get there, they bear witness to the scene in front of them. A badly beaten (Y/N) laying on the ground while the doctor checked for any sign of life.

"(Y/N)!," Shion yelled. She was about to try and get closer to (Y/N) but Mion grabbed her instead. Tears started to form in Shion's eyes and she started to cry on Mion's shoulder, gripping onto her sister's shirt.

Doctor: "I found a pulse! She's still alive."

Before the group knows it, the paramedics have arrived and took (Y/N) away, placing her in the ambulance. The four followed them all the way and Shion wanted to go but there was no room in the ambulance. Shion watched as the ambulance drove away with her girlfriend in it. 

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