Chapter 2.5

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School had ended and all of the students were heading home. The club members moved the desks so that they were all together. Everyone sat at their desks and Mion sat at the head of the small table.

Mion: "Attention club members. As president of this club, I would like to introduce a potential member of the club. (Y/N)."

"Hi (Y/N)," the members greeted.

Mion: "Now before we let you join, we have to vote. There's a possibility that you will get in, there is a possibility that you won't. But that is for us to decided. All in favor of (Y/N) joining the club, say I."

"I!," all the members shouted.

Mion: "Congratulations, (Y/N). You are now an official member of the club."

(Y/N): "So what do you do in the club?"

Mion: "We usually play games and talk about a lot of things. Most of our meetings are here in the school but some days we have meetings elsewhere. But what makes this club different from any other club is our punishments."

(Y/N): "Punishments?"

Mion: "Ah, yes. Our dreadful punishments...Where the last person to lose any game is punished by the winners. But don't think that our punishments are innocent and weak. Just ask fellow club member Keiichi."

Keiichi: "Trust me, (Y/N). These punishments are very embarrassing."

Satoko: "You're only saying that because it has been embarrassing to you. It's your fault that you had to wear that maids outfit. You should've won that game."

Mion: "Alright then. Since (Y/N) is new, we will settle with a game of cards for now but don't think that we will go easy on you though."

(Y/N): "I never planned on it, Mion. Don't hold back."

Rena: "Watch out, (Y/N). Mion knows every scratch and bend on those cards and can easily beat you. That's how she always win."

(Y/N): "Nothing to fear, Rena. I happen to be an expert at a game of cards. Watch as I win this game with ease."

Time skip

The group was walking home from the club meeting. Keiichi was once again in a skirt but with pigtails and (Y/N)'s face was littered with multiple drawings and words in marker.

(Y/N): "Guess we both suck at games."

Keiichi: "Well, at least I'm not the only one getting punished this time. I can't believe that you gave them the idea of putting my hair in pigtails."

Rena: "Aw, Keiichi. Don't be embarrassed. You look so cute that I just want to take you home with me."

The group continued to converse with each other until they had to go their separate ways. Keiichi and Rena went one way, Rika and Satoko went one way, and Mion and (Y/N) went another way, saying their goodbyes.

(Y/N): "Thanks for letting me join your club."

Mion: "No problem. I just thought that you would be a good member of our little group. Not many people want to join our group in fear of being punished for losing."


(Y/N): "So Mion. Tell me about yourself. Besides the fact that you have a twin sister."

Mion: "There's not a lot about me to talk about."

(Y/N): "Stop lying. Shion said that you were very interesting."

Mion: "I don't suppose that you know about the Sonozaki family?"

(Y/N) shook her head.

Mion: "We are one of the three families of Hinamizawa but we are the most influential. I am the heir of the Sonozaki family. But beside that part of me, I usually hang out with Keiichi, Rena, Rika, and Satoko."

(Y/N): "I never thought that you would be the head of your family. Shion failed to mention that but I guess that she didn't want to bring it up."

Mion: "So about Shion..."

(Y/N): "What about Shion?"

Mion: "You know that I mean it when I said that Shion talks about you."

(Y/N): "I know."

Mion: "No, I mean it. She talks about you a lot and she keeps me up all night. You don't have any idea how many hours of sleep I've lost. By the sound of it, she must really like you."

(Y/N): "She probably does."

Mion: "She does. There is no doubt about it. She has never talked about anybody else like how she talks about you."

The two were walking silently for a moment. 

Mion: "I hope we can be friends, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Aren't we already?

Mion: "Uhh, yeah. I guess we are."

(Y/N): "Aww, Mion. Of course we are. Don't doubt that."

(Y/N) poked Mion's cheek, causing the girl to burst out laughing and draped her arm on Mion's shoulders as the two headed home.

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