Chapter 6.5:

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Satoshi walked from the crowd of people in anger. He finally realized that it was (Y/N) that was dating Shion. That it was (Y/N) that had Shion's heart. He may not have shown it externally but on the inside, he was ready to explode. He looked around and saw a mask at one of the tents. A red oni mask staring at him as he looked back at it. There was no one tending the tent so he simply grabbed the mask and made his way to the forests. He walked deeper and deeper into the woods until he found a small opening that was surrounded by trees. There was a baseball bat that rested on the trunk of one of the trees. He grabbed it and held it tightly.

Satoshi: "I'll make her pay. I'll make Shion mine. She is MINE!"

He swung the bat at the tree, causing some of the leaves to fall from the impact. He continued to hit the tree, each hit harder than the last. An idea popped in Satoshi's head. He was thinking of how to win Shion's heart from (Y/N) and he thought about it hard. He looked at the bat and the mask that was in his possession and his plan began to form. An evil smile formed on his face.

Satoshi: "(Y/N) can't love Shion if she is dead."

Normally, Satoshi would never think about hurting someone, let alone killing them but his desire to have Shion's love for himself clouded his good judgement. He couldn't help but think about how it would play out in his favor.

Satoshi: "If I kill (Y/N), Shion will be heartbroken but that's okay because I will be there to comfort her. Then she will fall in love with me because I was there for her and then she will be mine. (Y/N) has to go. Yes...YES! That is perfect. The plan is perfect. But how am I going to lure her?"

Satoshi thought long and hard.

Satoshi: "Satoko said that she wanted to drop cotton in the river with me. If I am lucky, she will ask (Y/N) to look for me. Hopefully alone. And the plan will start from there..."

Satoshi placed the oni mask on his face and continued to swing the bat at the trees but this time pretending that it was (Y/N). His swings became aimless as he started to take swings at the other trees, preparing his swing.

Satoshi: "Get ready, (Y/N). Because loving Shion will be your last mistake."

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