Chapter 11

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Satoshi fell asleep on the couch, leaving Shion alone to herself. She took the advantage she had and decided to look around the house for anything out of the ordinary. She looked in the kitchen but didn't find anything. She sneaked towards the only bedroom, trying not to wake Satoshi up. When she opened the door, she was face to face with a mask. It was a red oni mask sitting on top of a black hoodie.

'Black hoodie and red oni mask.'

She started to look around the room for any more evidence. Shion looked under the bed to see a baseball bat. Pulling it out, she had a good look at it and it was stained with blood.

Shion: "I knew it."

Shion had managed to find evidence linking Satoshi to the attack. Her blood started to boil at these results of her search and her mind became clouded with thoughts.

'That bastard! How could he have done this to my (Y/N)? He will pay...He will pay!'

Something snapped inside Shion. Her mind went blank and she couldn't think of anything other than making Satoshi pay for what he has done. She turned around to see Satoshi standing behind her with a look of a guilty man.

Satoshi: "Shion..."

Shion: "Satoshi, what happened?"

Satoshi looked down and back at Shion.

Satoshi: "Please Shion. You have to promise me that you will not tell anyone what I'm about to tell you right now."

Shion nodded her head.

Shion: "I promise."

Satoshi: "I love you, Shion. And you must understand that what I did is out of love for you. I thought that (Y/N) was dating you and I couldn't handle seeing you with anyone else. I had left the festival and went into the woods to let out some steam. When I heard (Y/N), I thought that I could win your heart if I got rid of her. So I tried to kill her but you can already tell that it didn't work. But I don't care about that anymore. Because you said that you love me. I don't feel bad about attacking (Y/N) at all. If anything, I feel great because you are now mine. What happened to (Y/N) was just collateral damage. It was bound to happen eventually. Are you mad at me?"

Shion had to use all her might to prevent herself from attacking Satoshi where he stands. He just confessed that he was the reason why (Y/N) was in the hospital.

Shion: "No Satoshi. I'm not mad. In fact, I'm flattered that you went out your way just because you love me."

Satoshi smiled.

Satoshi: "I knew you'd understand. Now, can you help me get rid of the evidence?"

Shion: "Sure."

Satoshi turned around and was about to leave the room.





"Hello reader."

"You may be wondering what is happening right now."

 "Well this is the part of the story where you choose the ending."

> Route A        Route B

"Choose wisely."

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