Chapter 5.5

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It was the end of the school day and there was no club meeting that day so Mion, Keiichi, Rena, and Satoko had left early. (Y/N) was held back because of some work that she wanted to finish. When she finished the last page of work, she started to pack her things to head home. She felt a small tug on her shirt and looked towards the source of the tugging. It was Rika. 

Rika: "(Y/N)-chan?"

The little girl yanked on the taller girl's shirt, gaining her attention.

(Y/N): "What is it, Rika?"

The younger girl looked as if she was a bit on edge about something. Her hands couldn't stop playing with her hair and her eyes looked as if something was on her mind. (Y/N) could feel her uneasiness.

Rika: "Can I talk to you about something? It is very important."

(Y/N): "Of course."

The two sat down and Rika started to explain about the upcoming annual Cotton Drifting Festival and how she was to perform a traditional dance dedicated to the festival. As the head of her family, she was obligated to perform this dance at the festival. She was very nervous about it and she decided to tell one of her friends about how she was feeling. 

Rika: "I'm really nervous about the dance. What if I mess up? I know that it is very important for both my family's name and the tradition of the Cotton Drifting festival."

(Y/N) was saddened at the little girl's nervous state. 

(Y/N): "Don't worry about it. If you just practice and keep a positive mindset, you will do great. I'm sure that you will do amazing out there."

Rika: "Really? Are you sure?"

(Y/N): "No doubt about it. Plus, if you do good, you might get something for your efforts."

Rika: "Promise?"

Rika held her pinkie in the air and (Y/N) happily wrapped her pinkie around hers. They both sway their interlocked pinkies before releasing.

(Y/N): "Promise."

Rika hopped out of her chair and hugged the taller girl. Stunned at first, (Y/N) eventually patted the smaller girl's back happily. 

Rika: "Thank you for the advice, Nee-chan. I will try my hardest. Nipa~"

(Y/N): "N-Nee-chan?"

(Y/N) smiled at the nickname and patted Rika on the head and she beamed at the gesture. 

(Y/N): "I know you will. Everyone will be rooting for you."

The two walked home together that day.

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