Chapter 10:

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I sat on the bed of my room in my apartment. I looked at the ceiling as I began to get lost in my own thoughts. After answering questions for the police, it has started to open up the prediction that has been in my head since the attack. I suspected that Satoshi was behind this but there was no evidence to prove this. But after talking to Ooishi, that guess became certain.


Satoshi hasn't been seen for some time since the incident and that in itself was damning. I need more answers. I need more reasons to believe that Satoshi was (Y/N)'s attacker.

Police Precinct

I knocked on the door of Ooishi's office. Nobody answered and I opened the door to an empty office. I made haste and started to go through the papers on the desk to find the particular notepad. Once I found it, I flipped through the pages until I saw the notes on the case.

"Victim described her assailant as a black hooded figure with a red oni mask. Vic also claims that she fought back so the assailant has injuries as well. Was wielding a baseball bat and was screaming 'Die', 'She is mine', 'Not yours.' Victim was looking for Satoshi Hojo before the attack."

"The victim's friends' stories were all the same. Nobody has seen or heard from Satoshi after the attack and everyone was at the river. Vic's girlfriend reveals that Satoshi confessed to her but rejected due to her relationship with the vic. Possible motive? Unable to track or interview Satoshi Hojo."

I think this is enough to convince me that Satoshi is the attacker. I walked out of Ooishi's office and walked out of the precinct. I decided to go back to the hospital and visit (Y/N). And hopefully inform her about my findings.

Time skip


(Y/N) furrowed her brows as she listened to what Shion was telling her. That Satoshi is the reason why she was in the hospital and that the reason being is because of his undying love for Shion. The h/c girl didn't know whether to feel anger or confused.

(Y/N): "You can't be sure, right? The police don't even have evidence."

Shion: "Satoshi hasn't been seen by either of his family or anyone else. He is in hiding because he hurt you."

(Y/N): "You really think that Satoshi is so in love with you that he will literally try to kill me?"

Shion: "Yes."

(Y/N) rubbed her temple as she tried to process this. Sure, she knew Satoshi was in love with Shion but for him to go as far as to try to kill her is crazy.

Shion: "I know it is hard to understand but you have to believe me, darling."

(Y/N): "I honestly don't know what to believe anymore. I just want this to be over."

Shion frowned at (Y/N)'s frustrated state and rubbed the back of her neck to comfort her. She placed a kiss on her still bruised cheek.

Shion: "I want this to be over too but we have to find out what happened. We won't talk about it no more if thats what you want."

Shion curled up and held onto the girl, wanting to comfort her even more. She continued to rub her head.

Shion: "How are you feeling?"

(Y/N): "Better than I was before. The doctors said that I will be able to leave in a few days. It's about time I got out of here."

Shion: "You can stay at my place if you want. Kasai could protect you and I until this whole thing blows over."

(Y/N): "I'll think about it."

The couple sat in silence, enjoying each other's company.

Time skip

Shion decided to leave during the night and was on her way home. She would've stayed with (Y/N) but she was too invested into solving this mystery that she knew the police wouldn't be able to solve on their own. She walked the dark streets swiftly and ended up bumping into someone.

Shion: "I'm sorry."

Satoshi: "Shion.."

Shion's heart dropped at the voice. That voice was too familiar to her. She turned around to see Satoshi looking back at her. Many things were running through her mind. She was deciding on whether or not to turn Satoshi in or kill him herself. But the green haired girl decided to play it smart. She decided to pretend to be more naive about the situation, ignoring what she already knew about the case.

Shion: "Satoshi! Where have you been? I was worried sick!"

Satoshi's face lit up and his heart skipped at Shion's concern over him.

Satoshi: "I was sick. I'm sorry that I worried you. I heard what happened to (Y/N). Is she okay?"

Shion: "She is not doing so well. She was beaten badly. Only time will tell when she will regain consciousness." Shion lied.

Satoshi: "I'm sorry. I know she meant so much to you. Seeing that she is your girlfriend."

Shion: "What? No, she isn't my girlfriend. We are just really close friends," Another lie slipped from Shion's lips.

Satoshi: "O-Oh. I'm sorry, Shion. It's just that you said that you were dating someone and I thought you meant (Y/N)."

Shion shook her head and reassured Satoshi that they were just friends. Even though that was far from the truth. But Satoshi didn't know that. Shion looked at Satoshi and noticed his stance was odd. As if he was limping.

'(Y/N) did say she fought back.'

Shion continued this act.

Shion: "Satoshi, are you okay? You look hurt."

Satoshi: "Some gang of jerks attacked me and I guess I got banged up. But it's nothing."

Shion: "Well, we need to get you home."

Satoshi: "No need. I know a place where I can rest without interruptions. Follow me."

Satoshi walked in the direction he was heading, Shion following behind him.


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