Chapter 8.5

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I laid in the hospital bed with Shion, the lights were off and the only sound was the heart monitor next to the bed. Shion was asleep. Her body was curled up against mine. Her legs laid on top of mine while her head rested comfortably on my collarbone. Her arms were draped over my torso and her chest rose and fell slowly. I took a moment to admire her sleeping figure. She looked so peaceful and if you looked closely, you could see a small smile on her lips. I smiled at her peaceful form and kissed her hair. Laying back a little, I started to think back on what Shion shared earlier. She has been through hell since she was born. I can't imagine how she must've felt everyday knowing that her family wasn't very supportive. And to think that they could've killed her...My chest started to tighten up at the idea of Shion dying. Of a world where she didn't exist. I shook off the idea and reassured myself that it didn't happen and that Shion has been right here the whole time.




3rd year

Shion closed her locker after getting what she needed for next class. She was heading to her class until she heard some voices nearby. She walked towards the commotion and peaked her head from the corner.

Kira: "What's wrong, Mizuho? Cat got your tongue?"

Four girls surrounded Mizuho. The group leader, Kira, was in Mizuho's face while her hand was pressed against the lockers, preventing Mizuho from walking away. They were picking on her once again. Mizuho didn't answer and continued to look down at the floor. Kira slammed her hand on the lockers, startling Mizuho while raising her voice.

Kira: "Answer me, you weirdo!"

Shion walked towards the four and pushed one of the girls out of the way, standing in front of Mizuho to protect her from the four girls. Kira snorted in laughter at Shion's actions.

Kira: "Mizuho, don't tell me that Shion is your personal bodyguard. You're going to have to do better than that."

Shion: "Kira, leave Mizuho alone now."

Kira: "What are you going to do if I don't? You wouldn't dare hit me unless you want to be kicked out."

Kira's mother was the headmaster of the school, making Kira instantly invincible from all punishments and it also allows her to pick on the other girls. This adds to the corruption that plagues the campus.

Shion: "I don't care if your mother is the headmaster. It doesn't give you the right to bully everyone."

Kira grabbed Shion by her collar and slammed her into the lockers on the opposite side of the hallway. They were face to face with one another.

Kira: "You know, you are really pissing me off. No wonder your family abandoned you because they couldn't stand you."

Shion's face turned pale. She never told anyone about her family or the events that occured before she was shipped off to the school. She didn't even tell (Y/N). The only person that she told was Mizuho but she knew that she wouldn't tell anyone about her past. It doesn't take a lot to make Shion upset but bringing up something like this and using it against her hit her deep. Shion looked down, preventing any eye contact with Kira.

Kira: "Not so tough after all, huh?"

(Y/N): "Hey!"

(Y/N) saw what was happening and marched towards the girls. She flung Kira off of Shion and stood in front of her. Mizuho took this time to rush towards Shion and (Y/N) and hid behind both of them.

Kira: "Stay out of this, (L/N)! This isn't any of your business!"

(Y/N): "It is my business! Now back off before you regret it, Kira!"

Kira smirked and crossed her arms.

Kira: "And what are you-

Before Kira could finish her sentence, (Y/N) grabbed her by her collar and gave Kira a taste of her own medicine by slamming her into the lockers. At this moment, (Y/N) didn't care about what the headmaster could do to her. She was tired of Kira and wanted her to learn her lesson.

(Y/N): "You only think that you are immune to getting trouble because you are the headmaster's daughter. But you're just that. You're only popular because your mother runs the school. If you weren't her daughter, you would be some random bitch with no friends."

Kira: "You...You....I can have you expelled!"

(Y/N) smirked, chuckling a little.

(Y/N): "You think that I care about being in this school? With this school going to shit, you'd be doing me a favor. So tell your mommy all you want but at the end of the day, I would still get the last laugh."

Kira managed to get out of (Y/N)'s grip before throwing a punch. She missed and (Y/N) ended up landing a punch right in her stomach, making her hunch over in pain.

Headmaster: "Stop!"

The headmaster marched towards the girls and stared daggers at (Y/N). (Y/N) wasn't fazed by this at all.

Headmaster: "Ms. (L/N)? Is there any reason why you are picking on Kira?"

(Y/N): "I'm picking on Kira?! She was just threatening Shion and Mizuho! I was just protecting them! You know, you really should be controlling your daughter because she is getting out of hand!"

The headmaster clenched her teeth at the fact that (Y/N), a student, was telling her what to do. She grabbed (Y/N) by the ear.

Headmaster: "You are coming with me! Everyone get to class!"

The headmaster dragged (Y/N) to her office. Instead of getting expelled, she ended up giving (Y/N) detention instead.

Time skip


(Y/N) was released from detention and packed her things. When she walked out the classroom, she saw Shion sitting on the bench waiting for her.

(Y/N): "What are you doing here, Shion?"

Shion: "I was waiting for you."

(Y/N): "The last bell rang an hour ago. You've been here for an hour."

Shion nodded.

Shion: "I just wanted to say thanks for earlier."

(Y/N): "You don't have to thank me. Kira needed to be taught a lesson anyways and it was about time that someone stood up to her."

Shion: "You can say that again. Now, how about I treat you for being so brave?"

(Y/N): "Sure."

Flashback end

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