Chapter 6

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"I love you."

Shion was taken back by Satoshi. Satoshi had called her this morning to meet up and she thought they were going to hang out as friends. She never would've thought that Satoshi was going to confess his love for her. She had only known the boy for two days and here he was. Confessing his love to her out of the blue. To her, Satoshi was nice but she loves (Y/N) and has no feelings for Satoshi.

Shion: "Uhh, Satoshi. You're a really nice and all and I'm flattered that you confessed to me. Really. But-

Satoshi: "So you accept my confession?"

Shion: "No, Satoshi. I love someone else. I can't accept your confession. I'm sorry."

Satoshi: "O-Oh. I didn't know that you were currently dating someone. I thought you were single."

Shion shook her head at Satoshi's assumption, trying to let him down slowly. She wasn't good at letting people down like this. 

Satoshi: "I'm sorry that I brought this up. Let's just pretend that none of this happened and just remain friends."

Shion: "Yes, just friends."


"Tonight is the annual Cotton Drifting Festival! Bring our friends, bring your family, bring a stranger even! Enjoy the traditions of Hinamizawa tonight!"

A man was in front of a store passing out flyers. He handed me one of them and it read:

'Cotton Drifting Festival. Starts at 7 pm tonight. Experience the traditions of our lovely village. Food and games included!'

(Y/N): "I wonder if Shion would like to go with me."

I decided to walk to Shion's apartment. When I got there, I knocked on the door and a man wearing a suit with shades opened the door. 

Kasai: "May I help you?"

(Y/N): "Uh, is Shion home?"

Kasai: "Miss Sonozaki is out today. I can tell her you stopped by."

I nodded and thanked the man before walking out of the apartment complex. I decided to walk home. Hopefully Shion will call and I could ask her then. As I walked down the road, I spotted Satoshi walking down the opposite direction of me. His head was down and he didn't bother to look up to see where he was going.

(Y/N): "Satoshi!"

He looked up and kept a blank expression on his face. I quickened my steps and made my way towards him.

(Y/N): "Have you seen Shion today? I'm looking for her."

Satoshi: "I have seen her today but I don't know where she went afterwards. Why do you ask?"

(Y/N): "I was going to ask her if she wanted to go to the Cotton Drifting Festival tonight. I figured that I would take her out tonight."

I showed Satoshi the flyer and he skimmed it before facing ahead again. He looked as if he was uninterested.

Satoshi: "Did you know?"

(Y/N): "Know what?"

Satoshi: "That Shion was dating someone. I had confessed to her and she rejected me because she was already dating someone. You are her best friend. Do you know who she is dating?"

Satoshi likes Shion?

I was surprised that Satoshi like Shion but at the same time, I figured that he had some kind of interest in her when he asked to escort her to her apartment last night. Maybe he was going to confess to her but she stopped that to confess to me. I was fighting the urge of just telling Satoshi that Shion confessed to me last night but a part of me wants to keep that a secret out of no making it any more awkward than what it already was. I shook my head and denied that I had any knowledge of who she was with. Satoshi's face went from a blank expression to angry as he huffed.

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