Chapter 9

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Shion sat patiently on the bench inside the police precinct. She was called by Detective Ooishi to be asked some questions. She had to have been there for at least 30 minutes. But her wait was worth it when Ooishi walked in.

Ooishi: "Ahh, Miss Shion Sonozaki. I'm glad that you are here. Come with me."

Shion followed Ooishi to one of the interrogation rooms and sat in the chair furthest from the door while Oishii sat in the other.

Ooishi: "I'm just going to ask you a few questions."

Flipping through the notepad, he stopped at the page with his notes. He placed a recorder on the table and pressed record.

Ooishi: "Please state your name for the record."

Shion: "Shion Sonozaki."

Ooishi: "What is your relationship with (Y/N)?"

Shion: "I've known (Y/N) for 3 years and we have been friends. At the moment, she is my girlfriend and we started dating 3 days ago."

Ooishi: "Where were you at the time of the attack?"

Shion: "I was dropping cotton in the river with my sister and the others. (Y/N) was supposed to be doing it with us but she was looking for Satoshi."

Ooishi: "Why was (Y/N) looking for Satoshi?"

Shion: "Because his sister, Satoko, wanted to drop cotton in the river with him. (Y/N) was being generous and was looking for him because she wanted to. I should've gone with her. Maybe I could've prevented this from happening."

Ooishi: "Did you see Satoshi at all after the attack?"

Shion: "No. I haven't seen him at all after (Y/N) was found. We had to walk Satoko home because he wasn't with us."

Ooishi: "Tell me about Satoshi. What do you know about him."

Shion: "Besides the fact that he is Satoko's older brother, I don't know much about him. He is a nice guy and he is very friendly. I remember earlier in the day that he had confessed to me but I rejected him. I don't think that is important to this case though."

Ooishi's eyes widened and brows raised at Shion's statement. From the cases he has had before, rejections and love itself was a familiar motive for some people to commit crimes. To him, the pieces had started to come together and it painted a clear picture of the events that occurred last night.

'Satoshi could've left the group during the performance. He must've grabbed a oni mask to hide his face and sport a black hoodie. He waited in the forests in the hopes of (Y/N) looking for him. When it happened, he must've attacked her with the intent to cause major harm. Maybe had the intent to kill.'

'But how did Satoshi know that it would be (Y/N) looking for him and not anybody else?'

Shion noticed the expression on the detective's face and was shocked herself.

Shion: "Y-You think Satoshi did this?"

Ooishi: "Ah, we don't have evidence on that to make that prediction. But at this point, he is considered to be a suspect. Only time will tell when we die the pool of suspects down."

Shion looked down, her green hair covering her eyes as she remained silent. Ooishi felt the atmosphere tense up and he tried to move on with the questions.

Ooishi: "Ah, moving on. Do you know anyone who would want to hurt (Y/N)?"

Shion: "No.."

The atmosphere got more tense and Ooishi knew that Shion was starting to shut down. This made it more difficult for him to ask anymore questions but he decided to stop anyway. He had what he needed and more information than he did when interviewing the others. He had some leads.

Ooishi: "Ah, we are at a good place to stop, Miss Sonozaki. You are free to go."

Shion got up from her seat and walked out of the room without a peep. Ooishi let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding in.

Ooishi: "That could've gone better if it wasn't for me showing my emotions. Now she is suspicious of Satoshi but I don't blame her. Maybe I'll question (Y/N) more about Satoshi."

Time skip


Takashi: "I'm going to kick the ass of whoever did this."

Takashi snarled as he tapped his foot in an attempt to calm himself down. He was visibly angry and the reason why is obvious. Some maniac comes to the festival and nearly kills his sister and puts her in the hospital? He was ready to fight anyone at this moment and he didn't care if it was one person or a whole group. (Y/N) was busy reading a book.

"Takashi, calm down."

Takashi: "Calm down?! You are literally in the hospital because you were nearly killed! You're not taking this seriously! How are you so calm?!"

"Because I'm not making a big fuss about it! I'm just as angry as you are but crying and complaining about it isn't going to make things any better!"

Takashi: "Well shit, (Y/N)! If only I were as calm as you! Meanwhile, I'm losing my mind because I almost lost the only family I have! You shouldn't have gone to that festival."

"Are you blaming me for this?! You think I like getting attacked by random strangers?! You think I wanted this?!"

Takashi: "No! I just-

Knock knock

The two siblings quit their bickering and looked towards the door. The door opened to reveal Mion, Rena, Keiichi, and Rika. The two looked at each other and Takashi straightened himself before grabbing his coat.

Takashi: "I'm sorry that I yelled. I'm just worried about you. I will leave you to yourself now."

Takashi walked out the door and left the room in silence.

Keiichi: "Is everything alright?"

(Y/N): "Everything is fine. We just had a disagreement. Siblings you know. Happens a lot."

Mion: "I can relate."

Rena: "Ah! (Y/N)?! Why are you out of bed?"

(Y/N) blinked a few times before realizing that she was standing up and out of bed. She must've been so winded up that she didn't know her body had left the bed. Rena pushed her back to her bed before tucking her back in.

Rena: "You shouldn't be out of bed when you are recovering," Rena pouted.

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