Chapter 13: Route A

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Shion walked towards the torture chamber sporting a white robe with her hair in a ponytail. She had an evil smirk on her face as she made her way to Satoshi. Opening the door to the chamber, Satoshi looked up quickly.

Satoshi: "S-Shion! I-It is not too late to turn back now. If you let me go, I'll pretend that none of this happened. I won't go to the police. Hell, I'll leave Hinamizawa if you want me to. You'll never see me ever again."

Shion: "And let you go unpunished? I don't think so. You hurt my (Y/N) and I am determined to make you pay for it. Besides, how are you going to go to the police without them arresting you?"

Shion reached in a box and grabbed a box of long nails and a hammer.

Satoshi: "J-Just take me to the police. I rather deal with the cops than to bear what you are about to have me endure."

Shion: "I really should get something to keep your mouth shut. But I rather hear you suffer than to gag you."

Shion placed the box of nails on the table and grabbed one from the box. She also grabbed the hammer.

Shion: "This is how it is going to work. I'm going to put a nail in each digit of your fingers. The nails will go through your finger of course. And I'm doing both hands as well."

Satoshi: "Can't we just talk about this?"

Shion: "Oh we are in too deep to start talking. Don't worry, this should go by quickly. If you don't struggle."

⚠ Warning! 'Light' Torture ahead. Proceed with caution. ⚠

Shion raised the hammer up before bringing the hammer down on the head of the nail, causing it to impale Satoshi's finger. The nail managed to go through the finger but wasn't impaling the fingernail. Shion gave it another hit, making the nail impale deeper, causing blood to draw. Satoshi grunted in pain as every hit sent a jolt of pain through his arm.

Satoshi: "Damn it, Shion!"

Shion: "Oh please. We just started. No need for your crying. "

Shion drives another nail into the next digit of the same finger, earning another hiss from Satoshi.

Shion: "You know, I still don't believe you."

Satoshi: "Huh?"

Shion: "About you attacking (Y/N). I have a hard time believing that you just attacked her out of a fit of rage. You had to have planned it out. Otherwise, you would've chicken out."

Shion held another nail in hand and looked at Satoshi once more.

Shion: "Tell me. Did you plan it beforehand?"

Satoshi: "No."

Shion frowned before impaling another nail into Satoshi's finger while looking at him with dead eyes. 

Shion: "Last chance. Did you plan (Y/N)'s attack? If you don't tell the truth, I will double the number of nails in each digit of your fingers."

Satoshi: "Y-Yes! I did. And like I said, I don't regret it at all! Good riddance to her!"

Shion: "You talk as if you killed her but you didn't. If you did, you will be experiencing something more severe than this. Now where was I?"

Time skip

Both of Satoshi's hands were impaled with numerous nails and his hands were numb. Shion took the time to admire her work and smiled but wasn't fully satisfied. She pulled out her taser and shocked the shackle restraining Satoshi's neck, causing him to go unconscious immediately.



(Y/N): "Is that it?"

Ooishi: "We believe so."

(Y/N) was called to the police precinct by Detective Ooishi. She was expecting to be questioned again but she was dumbfounded by what was being shown to her. It was the same red oni mask and black hoodie that her attacker was wearing.

(Y/N): "How could you be sure?"

Detective Ooishi pulled out the final piece of evidence. The bloody baseball bat. (Y/N)'s jaw dropped at it. This was damning evidence that was looking at her in the eye.

(Y/N): "Where did you find it?"

Ooishi: "It found us."

(Y/N): "What?"

Ooishi: "A box was left on the steps of the precinct with my name on it. I thought it was junk mail but when I opened up, I knew right away that this was the evidence we needed. We have no idea who left the package."

(Y/N): "What about the suspect?"

Ooishi: "We are certain that it was Satoshi that attacked you. And his reason being that of your relationship with Miss. Shion Sonozaki. He confessed to her hours before the festival and he held a grudge."

(Y/N): "Do you know where he is?"

Ooishi: "We are still looking for him..."

Torture chamber


Shion had overdid it. She went a bit too far and had 'accidentally' killed Satoshi. She was trying to use one of the many torture tools to cause more pain to Satoshi but she ended up cutting a bit too deep and Satoshi bled out.

Shion: "Oops. Guess I went too far. Oh well...serves you right."

Shion looked at the clock on the wall. It read 12:46 am.

Shion: "Gee, time flies huh?"

She looked back at Satoshi's body and sighed to herself.

"Now where am I going to hide you?"

Shion dragged Satoshi's body to the forests by Oyashiro's shrine. She went to change her clothes and went back to her apartment. When she entered the apartment, she noticed that Kasai wasn't there. She noticed a note on the table and it read:

"Dear Miss Sonozaki, I've decided to move out of the apartment. The idea of me being found out for helping you will place you in danger by the others in the Sonozaki family. Especially Oryo. So to keep suspicion off of you, I will be returning to the Sonozaki household. It has been a pleasure serving you. If you ever need help in the future, give me a call but for now, lay low." -Kasai

Shion frowned at the absence of her friendly bodyguard and collapsed on the bed out of exhaustion. She eventually fell asleep.

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