Chapter 4.5

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Ever since Shion picked up the phone, we have been talking to each other for almost 2 hours. It was now almost 2 am on a school night but both of us didn't care about the time. I can only think of how Mion will scold me for not getting any sleep but I can argue that she was the reason why I was up in the first place. Shion popped a question that caught my attention.

Shion: "Hey (Y/N)? Do you have a crush on someone?"

(Y/N): "Where did this come from?"

Shion: "I-I was just curious."

(Y/N): Do you have a crush on someone?"

Shion: "Hey I asked you first. Plus you owe me an answer for not telling me that you were going to Hinamizawa."

(Y/N): "Well f that's the case, I do have a crush on someone."

Shion: "Oooh, who is it?"

(Y/N): "No, no, no. I asked you if you had a crush on someone as well. Do you have a crush on someone?"

Shion: "Maybe...."

(Y/N): "With who?"

Shion hesitated before answering my question.

Shion: "Well, I have been well acquainted with them for quite some time. It has been 4 years since we met and we have gotten along perfectly."

(Y/N): "What are they like?"

Shion: "They are nice and they have always been so caring. They are very protective and kindhearted to others."

(Y/N): "Where did you meet?"

Shion: "Okinomiya."

I smiled at myself as I come to realize that Shion must be talking about me. As much as I want to guess, I wanted her to say it herself. 

(Y/N): "What is their name? Have I met them before?"

Shion: "Maybe you did, maybe you didn't."

(Y/N): "Does your crush happen to be one of the teachers in St. Lucia?"

Shion: "What?! No! My crush is a student. What makes you think that it was a teacher?"

(Y/N): "Maybe because of the crush that you had on the math teacher? You were eyeing them and don't think that I didn't see it. Well if it is a student, then who is it?"

Shion: "Guess."

You gotta be kidding me.

(Y/N): "Mizuho?"

Shion: "No.."

(Y/N): "Ayaka?"

Shion: "Nope."

(Y/N): "Tsunade, Yuka, Mariko, Haruka."

Shion: "No, no, no, and no."

I sighed annoyed and impatiently.

(Y/N): "I give up, Shion. Tell me."

Shion: "It's you, silly."

I smirked.

(Y/N): "I knew it."

Shion: "And how do you know already?"

(Y/N): "Mion told me. Well, she had a hunch and her hunch was correct."

Shion: "Now who is your crush?"

(Y/N): "I don't think that I need to tell you for you to know who I have a crush on."

Shion: Really? Don't be a tease me, (N/N)."

(Y/N): "Its you, Shion. You are my crush also."

Shion: "Well, this a coincidence."

(Y/N): " I don't think that this is a coincidence."


Mion: "WAKE UP, (N/NNNN)!"

My eyes shot open at Mion's yelling. I was in the classroom and the whole class had cleared out for recess. I rubbed my eyes and looked at her annoyed.

Mion: "Looks like someone didn't get enough sleep last night. You know what that means?"

(Y/N): "Don't even blame this on me, Mion. I would've gotten some sleep if you didn't call me in the middle of the night."

Mion: "You would've gotten some sleep if you didn't spend all night talking to Shion."

(Y/N) "Well I wouldn't have been talking to Shion if you didn't give me her number and told me your hunch about her having a crush on me. And by the way, you were right about it."

Mion: "I-really? should be thanking me then! Now come outside. Everyone is waiting for us."

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