Chapter 9.5

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(Y/N): "I won't leave bed again. What are you doing here anyways?"

Mion: "What? You get hurt and all of a sudden, we are not allowed to see if you are okay? I'm offended that you don't want us here." Mion said sarcastically.

Rika: "You don't want us here, Nee-chan?"

(Y/N): "It's not that at all. It's just surprising."

Rena: "We just wanted to check up on you and make sure you were okay. Okay. Plus, Mion and I made you a few dishes."

Rena handed (Y/N) an bento and smiled sweetly. (Y/N) opened the bento to see a whole bunch of food in it.

(Y/N): "Rena. Mion, thank you. But this is a lot of food."

Mion: "I'll help you if that's the case," Mion said before grabbing one of the many rice balls and started to eat it.

(Y/N): "Hey! That's my food!"

Mion: "That I made."

Keiichi: "Geez you two. I'm starting to think that the two of you are dating."

Mion: "What?! No! Never! That honor goes to Shion."

(Y/N): "What's that supposed to mean? Are you saying that you wouldn't date me if I wasn't with Shion?"

The green haired tomboy turned red and began to stutter.

Mion: "N-No! I-I didn't mean it like that. I just- well..."

(Y/N): "I'm kidding, Mion. No need to get so flustered."

Mion: "Don't tease me like that, (N/N)! Or I will have to punish you for missing club meetings."

(Y/N) shakes her head and started to eat the bento. Her eyes lit up at the food. She never expected for it to be this good.

(Y/N): "This is delicious!"

Rena: "I'm glad that you like, (Y/N)!"

Mion: "Yeah, I like it too." Mion said as she grabbed 3 more rice balls and started to eat those as well.

(Y/N): "Mion Sonozaki! If you continue to take my food from me, I swear you will be sorry."

Mion laughed at (Y/N)'s threat.

Mion: "And what are you going to do? All I have to do is poke you in one of your bruises and you will be finished. You can try but you will not succeed."

Rena: "Don't be such a meanie to (Y/N), Mii-chan."

(Y/N): "Then I'll tell Shion on ya. Then you will be sorry."

Mion: "You think that Shion could stop me?"

(Y/N): "I know she could kick your ass in a game of cards."

Mion's mouth went agape while the others laughed at the (Y/N)'s comment. It was true. Mion may be the best at playing cards out of all the club members but her sister was the only one that could beat her. A smirk was plastered on (Y/N)'s face as she looked at the girl.

Mion: "No way! I can beat Shion in any game."

(Y/N): "Then why don't you play her in a game then? In front of all of us so we can watch."

Rena: "Oooh, Mii-chan against Shii-chan? I want to see that."

Mion: "Alright then. Me and Shion will go toe-to-toe with one another in a game of cards. I'll show you that nobody can beat me."

(Y/N): "All right then. Shake on it."

Mion and (Y/N) shook hands with one another. But on the inside, Mion was starting to second guess her actions.

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