Chapter 3:

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2nd year

(Y/N) sighed happily as the class was dismissed for spring break. She could finally get the well deserved rest that she had longed for since the beginning of the week. 

Shion: "(Y/N)!"

Said girl turned around to see the green haired girl sprinting towards her through the large crowd of girls with a pep in her step. Shion smiled at the girl genuinely and sincerely. An expression that she doesn't usually display to the other girls at the school. Usually Shion wouldn't be this cheerful so it was a change.

Shion: "Are you free at the moment? Would you like to hang out with me?"

(Y/N) was shocked. She and Shion hardly talk to one another and when they did, it was very brief. So for the girl to propose that both of them get to know each other, it was more out of the blue but who was (Y/N) to deny the opportunity to get to know her. (Y/N) nodded her head, causing Shion to smile even wider and take her by the arm to the city of Okinomiya. They went out for ice cream, seen a movie, and had lunch together with each other. Both of them were beaming with joy at each other's company.

Shion: "I love hanging out with you, (Y/N)! I can't believe that we haven't hung out with each other sooner."

(Y/N): "I enjoy hanging out with you too, Shion."

Shion: "We should do this more often!"


Shion: "(N/N)? This is difficult."

Shion pouted as she was struggling with the material in front of her. Her and (Y/N) were studying for upcoming exams and it was (Y/N)'s idea to study two weeks prior. Shion thought that it would be great to spend time with (Y/N) and get some study done as well. But she didn't think that  actually studying for exams would be difficult. She couldn't concentrate so she decided to play with (Y/N)'s hair instead. (Y/N) looked up at Shion.

(Y/N): "Shion, it's not that difficult. You just have to try."

Shion: "Well you thinking that because you are smart," Shion said as she poked (Y/N) in her forehead.

(Y/N): "Well if you pay attention, I will show you how to solve it."

The study session for exams consist of (Y/N) explaining the material while Shion tries to focus but ends up failing due to her wanting to mess with (Y/N) some more. This failed attempt to study ended up lasting until nearly 12 in the morning.

(Y/N): "Holy crap, is it that late?!," (Y/N) nearly yelled as she stared at the time.

Shion glanced at the clock and was equally surprised at the time.

Shion: "You should just stay here for the night. There's no need to walk to your room this late. Plus, it's on the other side of the campus and its past curfew. You can sleep in my bed," Shion said sweetly.

(Y/N): "And where are you going to sleep?"

Shion: "Well in my bed of course, silly. We'll share."

(Y/N)'s face went beet red. 

(Y/N): "S-Sharing a b-bed? A-Are you sure about this?"

Shion: "Come on, (Y/N). We're just sleeping in the same bed. I won't do anything to you if that's what you're thinking. Unless that is what you want?"

(Y/N): "N-No No No! That won't be a problem."


It was nearly 2 a.m and Shion was laughing while on the phone with Mion. She was telling her about (Y/N) and what they have done together. The girl had enough stories about the two to last the rest of the night.

Shion: "She is really fun to hang out with, Mion. I mean it. (Y/N) is so funny."

Mion: "I can tell," Mion yawned, signifying that she was tired. It had been the 19th time this month that her sister had kept her up at night with her rambling about her classmate. As much as it cuts out of her sleep schedule, she didn't want to take away the chance to talk to her only sister and her joys of finally finding someone to hang out with and keep her company.

Mion: "You must really like her."

That was an understatement. Shion has loved the company of her classmate. It was the only joy that she had ever had while attending her years in boarding school. The reason why she tolerated the place and the people in it. The feeling of being around (Y/N) made the girl's heart flutter and at a loss of breath. Just the thought of her made her pale cheeks glow a pink shade.

Shion: "Yeah..."

Flashback end

Shion POV

I smiled to myself as I reminisce about the times (Y/N) and I had. Even though I haven't seen her in a few days, it feels like it has been forever since I saw her. Talked to her. Been with her. I was walking down the streets of Hinamizawa with a bag of groceries in both hands. The sunset displayed an amber colored glow as the day comes to an end. As I continued to walk, I saw a familiar figure far in front of me. I squinted my eyes and the figure hit the corner of the street. I quickened my steps and tried to catch up to the figure but ended up bumping into someone.

Shion: "Ah! I'm sorry!"

Satoshi: "No, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking."

I looked up to see a boy with yellow hair and red eyes reaching his hand out for me to grab. I accepted his hand and he helped me pick up the groceries that weren't damaged by the impact.

Shion: "Thank you. I'm Shion."

Satoshi: "I'm Satoshi Hojo. Why are you in a rush anyways?"

Shion: "I thought that I saw someone I knew walking this way. But I guess I was just seeing things."

Satoshi: "Hey, I feel bad for bumping into you and damaging some of your groceries. What do you say that I show my apologies by taking you out for breakfast tomorrow? I won't take no for an answer."

Satoshi had a look of sincerity and guilt for the accident and was really hoping to repay me in some way. Even if I were to reject his proposal, like he said, he wouldn't take a no for an answer. I accepted his offer and we decided to meet up at this exact spot at 8 am tomorrow. I bid him a farewell and returned to my apartment where Kasai was already preparing the food.

Kasai: "Welcome back, Miss Sonozaki."

Shion: "Kasai, I will be out tomorrow with a friend so I won't be here."

Kasai: "Is it the same friend that you came back to Hinamizawa to look for?"

Shion: "No, it is someone I just met. But I am still looking for her. I just don't know where to look."

Kasai: "May I suggest asking Miss. Mion Sonozaki if she has seen or been with her. If I'm correct, your friend could be attending one of the very few schools in Hinamizawa. Chances are, she is attending the same school as your sister. It will save you some time."

I thought about what Kasai said and how easier it is to find (Y/N) by talking to Mion than to try and find her by walking everywhere in Hinamizawa. I thank Kasai for his idea and placed the groceries in their respective places before allowing Kasai the space he needs to finish dinner.

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