Chapter fourteen: Electric eyes

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"how did you find out?"

"The guards found out."Elena mumbled looking down, why now? why did someone have to appear trying to kill me and my family.

Tate was half asleep on the couch, Alanna was sat on the chair trying to stay awake, Alex was outside with the boys still partying..when the party ended hours ago..and me and Elena are trying to understand who and why. I slowly crouched down and sat on the floor, I called out to Mrs.Garcia,

"Yes dear?"

"Mrs.Garcia can I please have my coffee."she nodded and asked Elena If she would like something, "Ill just have a milkshake." she smiled and walked back to the kitchen.

"Should we tell Uncle.Marco and Uncle.Emilio?"she asked

"We must.its our only option really.Al you ca-"and I noticed she was fast asleep.

"We need one of the boys to carry her up.

"Lets try."Elena said indicating me and her can do it.I nodded and got up, thank god I'm out that wedding dress.We walked to Alanna and I counted till three.We slowly picked her up and she immediately wrapped her arms around me...yay so I have to carry her..alone..and break my back.Elena started laughing I was about to cuss at her when I noticed Alanna was slowly waking up.I gave her a stare, which made her shut up.I quickly yet slowly tried to go up the stairs without dropping her.

FINALLY.I got to my room..thank god.I slowly laid her down and flicked the lights off and walked out the room.I walked down the stairs and sat back down on the floor.Soon Mrs.Garcia came back with our drinks.I then remembered,

"I never saw Lorenzo after that."Elena nodded as-well.where did he disappear to..?at that exact same second, the back door flung open and in came a very drunk Lorenzo, his hair was going in every direction.His clothes were all dirty he spilled one too many drinks on him.He couldn't even walk straight god damnit. He was swaying from one side to the other.Elena got up and stood there in shock, Lorenzo never gets drunk.I quickly ran up to me helping him in.Suddenly he held me by my waist and pulled me closer and I froze..

"Lorenzo stop it..."I said pushing him away.

"Never."he said with anger in his eyes..whats wrong with him..

"Lorenzo stop it."

"GOD DAMNIT."he said with a very loud tone,I immediately punched him in the arm

"People are asleep what makes you think it's okay to walk in here drunk over your mind and go around shouting."He slowly frowned.Whats going on

"I-I love you..why don't you love m-me?"and Elena and I froze.Even Tate woke up fully and her eyes went huge.

"Lorenzo you are not thinking straight."I said trying to escape his hold.

"yes I am.I love you but you don't love.I wasn't ready.I was scared but before I knew it you got married to that..that DOG."okay thats it I've had it.I pushed him away and he fell.

"THATS IT.He is no dog and just because I didn't know about how you felt, you cant go around talking bullshit, I did like you.I DID.But now I'm married and I won't do anything to sabotage that.UNDERSTAND ME.?"he nodded, he stood up and walked towards me once again, he pulled me in for a kiss.I pushed him away and this time I slapped him hard.

"just get out."I said looking him dead in the eye.

"N-no I un-"

"you do not.Because if you did you wouldn't have tried to kiss me."and with that I turned around to walk away but he grabbed a hold of my hand pulling me back.

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