Chapter thirty four : Distant memories.

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"Stop yawning, you gonna have flies fly in there." Elena said trying to smirk.I immediately shut my mouth only to send her glares.

"THE BULLETS!" she dramatically said hiding behind the small pillow. "Im too tired to deal with your sarcasm." I mumbled rubbing my eyes. The sun was shinning through all the glass windows. WHO THE HELL THOUGHT PUTTING SO MUCH GLASS WAS A SMART IDEA? 

"Im too tired to make another comeback. That last one drained me." she muttered. I nodded whole heartedly understanding. Why did we get an early flight? Out of all hours in the day we picked the earliest. 

"David and Ani left to get some breakfast." Elena mumbled as she laid her head on the small pillow. "Ugh I want food."

"Guys, I feel like i'm going to break." Ezra said dramatically as he walked down the stairs almost tripping over his own feet. He had a dark blue hoodie on, black nike sweat pants with ankle high red air-forces. Romero right behind him, he wore a grey hoodie with similar black sweats with blue ankle high air-forces. Ezra looked dead while Romero looked like he could pass out any second now. One can Clearly tell this family clearly loves sleep. 

"Why the hell am I shivering?" Alex asked stepping out from the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand. 

"Maybe because you wore shorts when its 6 am." I said giggling. He wore black nike hoodie and its shorts. 

"Maybe." He mumbled taking a sip from his cup. Me and Elena both wore black hoodies and tights. I looked at Elena and she pulled over her hoodie and pulled the strings. 

*door bell*

"Ill get it." Alex went over and opened the door to see a very sleepy Hunter.

"No one talk to me. Im moody." I couldn't help but laugh at Hunter's response. 

"Where's my baby?"he asked his eyes almost shut. he looked like zombie with the way he had his hands out feeling everything around him. 

"Dead." Elena answered. These two really deserve each other. One is more dramatic than the other. Perfect match. 

"Baby." He started whining as he walked over to her and sat next other, hugging her tight.

"Boy, I can't breathe if you squeeze me too tight." She said loosening his grip around her. "Oops." We all burst into laughter. Hunter had a terrified look on his face. Elena can really kick and thats coming from me.

Alex walked over to me and sat on the carpet, and handed me his coffee. I took it with a small smile. 

"Next time i'm never waking you up." He muttered, rubbing his chest area. "What did she do?" Elena asked opening up one eye. Hunter was leaning in to her side. He had his head-on her lap. 

"Well!" Oh no. Don't do it Alex. I sw-

"At first I tried to wake her up like a normal person. But that didn't work. So I went to the kitchen. Got a tall glass of water, I was just dropping a few drops on her face. The girl kicked me off the bed and onto the floor, making me fall flat on my face." Elena started laughing so hard. Romero was losing it, while Ezra fell off of his chair. 

"Ha Ha." I said sarcastically.

"Oh then you don't wanna know how I woke Ezra up." Romero spoke up smirking at our brother. 

"Oh and what I heard!" He added. I noticed Ezra glaring at him. Warning him not to say a word. 

"So gather around my children." Romero got into his "teacher" mode. We did as he said.

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