New city. New World

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New York is a big city, my friend. And for a traveller, a never-stayed-here-too-long as our girl is, it seems always moving. The car noise covering the streets, the way the subways always come and go with a hurry that can't be described... So much life surrounding every corner and street that it felt unreal.

 And, in this never stopping, always breathing urban centre, there she was, a small girl with curly hair and a faded smile splashed on her face, lost in the sea of people searching their way to the first bus station or their working place, swearing under their breath about how awfully crowded everything is at the beginning of the school year. 

In this messy subway station, a stranger was waiting for the early train to come and take her to somewhere more quiet. Or as quiet as a middle school in the US can be. If you may ask, it was, with no doubt, John Quincy Adams Middle School in the heart of the Big Apple, as some may have called New York in the past.

In the name of God, how I got here?

It is  6:47, how can there be so many people?

This is one of the reason I miss Philadelphia... Yeah, not going back.

Was that a man singing Irish songs?

I want to sing Irish songs...

What the hell I am thinking about?

Even with my pills on board I have a messy mind.

I just wait to see this school( *big note of sarcasm*)

It is not like it will be just the last three, of course not. How can I even think about it. Pffff.

At least I won't be late for my first day, like last year, thank you, granddmo..... Sorry.....  

Yeah, now I am feeling bad, good job me. 

I swear to God, if I will have to meet the school bully today, I will cry.

That woman have an interesting hat. Good one, weird woman on the subway, it is a free country.

Oh, God.... Here we go.

And she left the world of wonder and confusion that the carriage under the earth hold and moved through the already crowded streets until she found it. The gigantic made out of red bricks building with a banner at its entry: Welcome to John Quincy Adams Middle School!!! beside which was drown an eagle.

Okay me, if you start panicking I will die, so please don't. At least not today.

The hall seemed infinite, to say the least. Even if, soon enough, it would feel like a cage she outgrown and is now suffocating. Isn't it strange how every new place that welcome us looks, from a frighten perspective, like an empty, never ending enclosure, and us, the unwelcome visitors, remain just a small and unprotected Alice that drank her potion without knowing what it was?

Okay, I need to find the secretariat and everything will be all fun and games and I will get those losers. I don't even believe myself... Damn it.

Her wondering was short lived, and, unfortunately for us, uneventful and awfully boring. There isn't anything deep or notable about getting you schedule and lock number. Maybe just, the surprisingly welcoming smile of the secretary, whose name is Julie, BTW, and the fact that her first class was history. With Mr. Matthews, may I add.

This should be easy. If he isn't Mr. Trunchbull I think I will live. I am not asking for much, God.

First bell ringed and everyone entered the class. Mr. Matthews, with a curious smiled observed his students occupying their sits after a summer that seemed too short.

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