The story of canvases

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This will be some of explaining chapter in which the girl will ask some question.

The Universe is a complicated place. It spin you around an it breaks you in millions of peaces. But it sometimes put you back together. It offers you people by your side to help you heal, to grow, to put things into place. It is not much. Is everything. Because when you wake up one Saturday morning seeing that you have friends by your side that listen to, that care deeply about you, it gives you enough hope to move on.

It is somehow of an overwhelming feeling that forms tears in your already tired eyes. It offers you peace of mind, it makes you to raise from bed, as quiet as possible and to make your way to the bathroom, to take your pills with a light self-acceptance and dress as if not for the world but for yourself.

It is magical how you feel when you don't have to hide the truth from the one you love all the time. Marigold felt it in her every pore, in the tips of her fingers, she felt relief, comfortable in her own skin. After all, she didn't have to lie anymore. She was finally free.

 She was finally free

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'' 'Morning, Goldy.''

''Good morning, Maya.''

''Wanna help me wake up, Riley?''

''Um, I don't think...''

''To late, surprise Riley.'' She said jumping on the sleep girl.

''Maya, please get up, I will wake up.''

''I will tickle you. ''

''And, I'm up. 'Morning, Mary.''

''Good morning, Riley.''

''You have a beautiful room here. I really like the paintings.''


''Can we...''

''Go on.''

''I can't believe you painted all of those this is insane.'' Maya said.

''I had a lot of free time.''

''They have stories?'' Riley asked.

''Yeah, or somehow. I usually paint to keep my energy to a decent level. It is my way of coping.''

''This is why you always draw in class...'' Maya said.

''Most of the times. It was my first psychiatrist's advice. Her name was Elizabeth. I draw here here... She was a great person. She always loved to see my 6 year old, not so artistic paintings...''


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