People Change. People Grow

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***Greenwood&Foster residence. Marigold's room. She is in bed. Joseph sits besides her, stroking her hair***

''You feeling better, kid?'' He asked seeing her opening her eyes

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''You feeling better, kid?'' He asked seeing her opening her eyes.

''Yeah, yeah. Just a bit dizzy... I am sorry that you had to take a day off.''

''It is nothing, kid. Don't worry. The important thing is for you to get back on your feet.''

''I will. I am sorry.''

''Marigold... It isn't your fault.''

''I should have paid more attention. If I hadn't forgotten to eat, I wouldn't have blacked out and nothing would have happened.'' She said starting to get frustrated at her own negligence.

''Marigold, it is okay. You just need a day off. You need to relax, okay? It is not the end of the world.'' He told her with his arms laying firmly on her shoulders.


''Good... I will go get that. You wait here.'' He said hearing the inter-phone going off.


***At the door***

''Hello, Mr. Greenwood. Sorry to disturb but we where wondering...'' Riley began.

''She is in her room. Best of luck.'' He said opening the door for them to come in.

''Thank you, sir.'' Lucas said.

''Thank you for caring for my niece. Now go.''

***Marigold's room***

Urhh. I am so dump. I should have paid attention. What is...?

''Uncle, you can come in, no need to...'' She stopped seeing Lucas opening the door shyly at his tail waiting Maya, Riley and Farkle.

''Sorry to disappoint, ma'am.''

Oh, God. Oh, God.

''Marigold?'' Riley asked scared

''Yeah...'' She said as if out of breath.

''Breath.'' Lucas motioned her.

''Okay... I am fine. Sorry. Sorry, please enter. Um, you can sit on the bed, I will tidy it in a second. Or at the desk...''

''Goldy, what is going on?'' Maya asked making her stop from rambling.

''Why you weren't in school today?'' Riley asked.

''Why you have been so absent in the last days?'' Lucas asked.

''Who was sending you those things?'' Farkle asked solemnly.

''What? Who have done what?'' Maya said starting to get angry.

''Marigold?'' Lucas asked.

''Just... rude messages. I have just been overthinking them and I just... forgotten to eat and I got really dizzy and I passed out last night so my uncle said I should take a day off.''

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