Kind hears and generous hands

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It is interesting how forgetful we are to all those acts of kindness the Universe nonchalantly offers us. We don't notice them most of the times; we just continue our life without even recollecting the fact that they took place. It is even more surprising how they still take place, despite our incapacity to show any type of thankfulness. How the man at the grocery store always smile when giving your change back or how your mum always makes you your favourite food when you are feeling down. But, the funny thing is, none of those act are necessary conscious. They happen because our nature tell us to treat people in a way that, despite being underappreciated, is right.

''Human benevolence is totally unfair. We don't live in a kind or generous world, yet we are kind and generous. We know the universe is out to burn us, and it gets us all the way it got Renee, but we don't burn each other, not always. We are kind people in an unkind world, to paraphrase Wallace Stevens. How do you pretend you don't know about it, after you see it? How do you go back to acting like you don't need it? How do you even the score and walk off a free man? You can't.'' from Love is a Mix Tape by Rob Sheffield.

***History Class***

''Who here knows about the great depression?''

Oh, this is interesting, I want to hear about that.

''I thought it was called the grand canyon?''

Aw, this hurts me.

 ''Excellent. Who here knows about the great depression? Maya?''

You will get...

''Nothing's gonna beat that, sir.''


''Farkle, save me.''

''The year was 1929, the stock market crashed, everyone lost their money and their jobs. And the people who were comfortable were now lost and became known as...''

'' "The forgotten." Working class people, the heart and soul of our country, basically taken for granted in the first place, and now, discarded and forgotten.''

Well, this is how Hitler got to power so... Let's not do that.

''How could that happen, sir?''

''It shouldn't have, Mr. Friar.''

''But that could never happen to anyone in the grand canyon today, could it?''

Oh, Riley. 

''I don't know, Riley. I'm sure you would never take anyone for granted, right?''

I really hope I do not... Have I told you that I appreciate you, sir?

''I would never.''

''And do you think there's anyone who cares about you who goes underappreciated or overlooked?''

''Maya, Mary my life is so much better for having you in it.''

God, why? 

''I know, pumpkin.'' 

''Thank you, Dad. For the first time, I've actually understood something that you've tried to teach me.''

Can this finish? 

''Please, bell, ring. Ring! Ah-ha.''

Thank you, sir. 

''You could do that?'' Maya asked.

***Lunch time***

''I wonder what electives we're gonna get. I hope we get good ones.''

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