The unreliability of beauty

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We are so obsess by the way we look. Or better said, we are so afraid by what other will say about the way we dress. We are frighted by the thought of being put into a box we don't agree of. We somehow let ourselves be define by what we look, we put ourselves down for things that hold no meaning, we criticise ourselves for eating too much, for gaining the smallest amount of weight possible. 

But this is not a story, at least not now, about putting yourself down, it is more of one in which you let yourself outgrow a box and learn that whatever you put on it doesn't define you, it can never show you your true value. Therefore, let the story begin:

*** History class***

''Ancient Greece...'' Mr. Matthews said holding a present in his hands.

Oho, this will be fun. 

''What that? What that that?''

You innocent creature. 

 ''What thi-this? This is a present.'' 

''Is it for me?''

 ''What's your game, Matthews?'' Maya said suspiciously.

''Game? I mean no game. I just want to know who here wants this present.'' All the class raised their hands except Marigold and Maya. 

''Oh, Maya, what? You assume by playing hard to get, I'm gonna give it to you? Marigold, I guess you figured it out, already.''

 ''I think?''

''Well, yes. That's one of the many arrows in my quiver.''

''Medieval talk... what are you doing to me, woman?''

Um, okay, Farkle. 


''Yay! ''

Wait just a second....

'' "The trojan horse"?'' 

Here it is.


''This isn't a present. This is one of your life lessons wrapped up in a class lesson wrapped up in a box of nothing. ''

Oh, you poor thing.

''How you doing, honey?''

 ''I'm all worked up.''

This is just adorable.

'' I know.''

''You assumed because it was all neat and pretty that something good was inside. Ancient Troy was protected by walls. The Greeks couldn't get in, so they built a big wooden horse and left it behind. What do you think the Trojans did?''

'' They left it there because they were afraid that somebody was trying to teach them something.''

Yeah, you are all worked up.

''They captured it as a trophy and brought it inside. That night, the Greek soldiers crawled out of the horse and defeated Troy. What have we learned here? Mr. Friar?'' 

''Don't make assumptions based on what you see? ''

I agree 100%

''Riley, listen, I'm sorry I made an example of you. So here's a gift for you.''

You will break her, sir. 

''Ooh... no! I want to... no! Pretty ribbon... no!''

And you broke her. Congratulations.

Once upon a time- Girl meets world FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now