Family does not always mean blood

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Someone once said, and I always wanted to repeat their words, as obvious or as strange as they may seem, that ''You don't have to be blood to be family.''. I always found an unimaginable relief in this small phrase, for a reason or another. It offers you the hope that, despite the place and environment you have been born in, despite the influence you have got from the ones around you, you can pave your own path, create your small bubble of ease where you can rejoice the company of people you chose to have around.

This does not mean family, as it can be define by any dictionary, is any less valuable or significant in the development of a human being, it would be idiotic to affirm such a thing. But this doesn't change the fact that, any other relationship, whatever nature they may have, can not be as powerful and full of depth and importance. Because what makes a family close- knit and strong is love, and this concept, in its hundreds of explanations, has never been associated with family related bounds. 

***In front of the Matthews apartment.  Lucas, Farkle and Marigold are talking***

''How bad do you think this will be?''

''Farkle, I don't...''

''It is Mr. Matthews in the same room with Lucas, you and I, I  guess, because Riley asked us to come to Family Night Game.''

''Yeah, we are screwed. I really wished I wouldn't have agreed to come. I can still...''

''Oho, you don't go anywhere, ma'am. I am doing this, you are doing this.'' Lucas said taking her arm.


''No buts. Now I will call them up. If we survive I will listen to a whole The Beatles album, okay?''

''Tempting... Okay.''

''Good...'' He said ringing the intercom and letting them know who it was.

'' Come on up. ''

Here we go.

***In front of the door, Lucas knocked***

''Welcome to family game night, friends.'' Riley welcomed the three.

I made such a big mistake...

''Wrong, wrong, wrong answer.'' Cory yelled going to the kitchen with Riley and Topanga, leaving everyone uncomfortable.

This will be a long night... I brought a book, good for me.

''Well... Hello.'' Josh said smiling at the brunette.

''Oh, hi. Sorry. I was a bit...''

''Taken aback, yeah. Cory isn't the one to maintain a composed attitude...'' He said when, from the kitchen was heard Cory's voice.

''Get rid of them.''

''Why do you have to be you all the time?'' Riley said frustrated.

'' You think it's easy? Say goodbye to your daughter, honey. She has chosen her friends over her family.''

'' Why can't we just play with her friends?''

'' Because Topanga, the second she allowed Dr. Turtleneck and Mr. Howdy into our household, our family was compromised by interlopers.''

Okay...I think we are going a bit far... but okay...

''Maybe we could just come back another time.'' Farkle said.

''Oh, yeah, we don't have walls. I told you we needed walls, Topanga.''

''Yeah, that's what I was trying to say. So... Dr. Turtleneck, I presume.'' He said extending his hand to Farkle.

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