Insecurities and Learning

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Life offer us hundreds of ways to learn. And even millions of methods to screw it up. But the things is, as cliche or without a sense as it may sound, we have to get through both, as many times as possible. Because this is how we grow, this is how we become better people. We may mess thing up sometimes, but, if we get to learn something from it, I truly believe it is an important opportunity. 

We learn all our life. We accumulate the knowledge of the Universe and use it in the best ways we can think of, even if sometimes we don't succeed. But it does't matter at all. Failure is what you made it. Therefore, what I will tell you is important because it hides behind an failed test the amount of things you can actually learn if someone cares enough to teach you. So, without further ado, let the story begin: 

***Before history class. In the hallway. Riley is amazed by an 9th grader. Marigold and Maya are bored***

''Look at that ninth-grade woman. She's putting on makeup. We're going to be ninth-grade women someday.''

 ''This thing goes to ninth grade?''

''No, Maya. It does not. Not necessary.''

''Thanks, Goldy. How long do you think she has until she start screaming out of pain.''

''I really hope this is not one of those days. But I don't know how Riley and an eyelash curler will mix together, so I am pretty scared. I think there is a 78% of it going bad, thought.''

''Where is...''

''Here we go'' 

 ''It's an eyelash curler. It doesn't even hurt.'' The 9th grader said. 

''I have eyelashes. ''

Poor child, please be okay. Please be....

''Watch this.''


Yeah, never mind.

''Anybody else would stop.''

''You are right, Maya. Riley open...'' Marigold tried to say. 


''Open it.'' 

''Thanks, daddy.'' 

''Yeah, okay.''

Huh, he isn't even surprised anymore.



''Hello, Goldy. I will speak with my two wife first, but I will have an announcement for you as well.''


 ''So...School dance. I'm gonna put you both down for dance numbers one through all of them. We will alternate. You and me, me and you. When you are not dancing with me, you may not dance with anyone else. You may sit and wait until you dance with me again. ''

I don't understand how I am surprised. I mean, this happens everyday, but here we are.

''Yeah, none of this is happening.'' Maya said.

''Oh. Well, then may I have one dance with each of you?''

''Sure.'' Riley said.

''Ha! That's all I wanted. You just got played by Farkle. So, Goldy, can you accept a dance with me, as friends because I have two wives and they are... Something.''

''Of course, Farkle. If I come to the dance, it will be a pleasure.''

''You coming, girl. I won't survive staying with Miss Rainbow, How-die and Turtleneck for a whole night... Please.''

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