Treat People With Kindness

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It is interesting how we are swept by the nonexistent value of a green piece of paper. We let it control our action, decide our every step. It is sometimes not even a conscious action that we can be aware of. We forget our path and get lost in one that has, as its ultimate goal, the same profit, obtained through elbowing your way to the top. It may sound cliche, and it probably is, but the method you chose to become successful is the one that defines your character, because winning a race it is a mater of pure luck. Therefore, treat people with kindness and never use them as a ladder to get your profit. This kinds of things have a way of coming back to you in the end.

***History class. Marigold was early, she was just drawing***

 Marigold was early, she was just drawing***

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''Belgium, 1831...'' Cory started.

''No!'' Riley yelled.

Wait, what? 

''In 1831, Belgium...'' Cory started again.


What is going on here?


''What's my thing?''

What is what?

'' What's your thing?'' 

''What am I going to be, Dad? Am I gonna be okay?'' 

Is this some type of teenage crisis or something?

''Riley, listen to me very carefully. Okay. In 1831, Belgium declared its independence from the Netherlands.'' 

''What will people be thinking of me if I end up living in a subway?''

''What if nothing happens for her, sir? Riley can't end up like that. She's my meal ticket! With Marigold, of course. But she is still okay. You can't do that do me, Matthews.''

What the hell? What is happening?? 

''What the...? I just saw you girls at breakfast!'' 

''Mijn opleiding mag niet gebaseerd zijn op de gemoedstoestand van uw dochter.''

I don't think I get Dutch, Farkle. Can you translate to one of the languages I know?

''Calm down, Farkle. You're speaking in Dutch again.'' 

''Mi educación no debe basarse en el estado de ánimo de su hija.''

Oh, yes. Thank you. And I am sorry.

''No no no. You slapped yourself way too hard. You went all the way to Spanish.'' 

''My education should not be based on your daughter's moods.'' 

''Neither should mine, but it is! Guys, a daughter asks her father, "what's my thing?" This question will resonate in the hearts of all parents from the moment it's asked until the day their child feels comfortable in the world. Pretty soon you're all going to join the work force. What's your thing? What do you aspire to? How will you affect people? That's the only history that matters. ''

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