Friendship and Homesickness

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Friendship is one of the most important parts of our everyday life. In those people we consider friends we find our lighthouse in a storm, our protector in a crisis and, maybe the most significant, a shoulder to cry on and a ear to listen no matter what. And, above all, a second home. A land where the worry of everyday life is forgotten. Because, as somebody once said, your home is where your heart is, and, usually, this translates to where your loved ones are. A place is a place. A coordinate in time and space. A friend... A friend is a person you let in your soul and that offer you access in theirs.

***History Class***

''Democracy. Our form of government where the power lies with the people. So who here can tell me another form of government where the power doesn't lie with the people? Farkle!'' 

Oh, boy... This is such a bad idea.

''Thank you, sir. Dictators. Love 'em. They get to do whatever they want. I wanna be one someday.''

Told you.

'' Mr. Friar!'' Cory said seeing Lucas opening the door.

'' Sorry for being late, sir. My flight was delayed.''

'' You went back to Texas again this weekend?'' Riley asked.

'' Visited my friends.''

''He misses his old friends. Aww. Cowboy's got the blues.

Campfire for one 

 My friends are all cows 

 And I miss 'em 

 Ha-hur, ha-hur-hur... ''Maya started singing while Lucas played the harmonica with a smirk on his face.

Oho... This old game... Hilarious every time.

'' I will never get to you, will I?'' Maya asked.

'' No, but I sure do appreciate the effort.'' 


'' Okay, guys, seventh grade student council elections are coming up. '' Cory said making the kids groan.

Wait, why?

'' Yay.'' With the exception of Farkle.

 ''Why that?''

Thank you, sir.

'' Because every year somebody runs, makes promises and nobody does anything.''

Well... politics are... Yeah.

'' Yeah. What lunkhead's running the elections this year?''

'' How ya doing?'' Cory said with a smile.

'' Can't you just make a change?'' Maya asked.

Well, he is not the one that is electing.

''You know what? It's up to you guys to make changes. Since we're studying alternate forms of governments this year, why not let the candidates run in any form of government they choose?'' Cory said getting some groans from the class.

This is a good idea, though. Not planning on doing it, but I support the idea.

'' Yay.'' Farkle said.

'' So any nominations?''

'' I, Farkle, nominate I, Farkle, for dictator.''

Ish, boy... It's going to be a long ride.

'' You can't nominate yourself, Farkle.'' Cory said already regretting his choice.

'' I'll nominate him.'' Brandon said.

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