A world of Wonder

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******************We are in front of the Matthews' residence******************

''Prepared for boredom, Goldy?''

''It is not that boring, Maya.''

''Oh, so someone likes the old style library, I see.''

''As a matter of facts, yes.''

''Okay, so you and Farkle will be the brain and I will be able to nap.''

''Maybe you will like something there.''

''I don't think so, I am me, remember. Losers, is Maya.''

'' And Marigold''

''Come on up.''

''You have such a long name...''

''That's why you call me Goldy?''

''Pretty much. And you don't look like a Mary.''

''Okay, if you say so.''

''Now, let's see what those losers are doing. We enter at my sign.''

''Because it's your father's job to give you little tests. And maybe along the way, you guys are going to learn a little bit more about yourselves.'' Said Topanga and Maya opened the door.

''Yeah, like I've learned that I'm actually really okay with all of this.''

''You don't miss your phone?''

''I was the only one in class without a smart phone anyway. And now I kind of feel like everybody's even.''


''I don't need a device to survive. I am okay without it. I had lots of time in which I used my phone to the minimum. So, it is no big deal.'' Suddenly the buzzer started:


''Be ready in a minute.''

''And Lucas.''

''Ready now!''

''Oh, boy.''

*******************We are at the library now*******************

''What is this place?''

''A library. It is a ....''

''This is where the ancients stored all of their wisdom.''

Okay, not my wording but I will accept it.

''Look at all of those...''

''Books, Riley.''

Thank you, Farkle. I am already tired.


My dears. I really have to show you stuff.

''Look.Tales of human interaction.''

Good one, Lucas.

''We'll take it. Thanks, quickdraw. Farkle, do whatever you do with that.''

Maya... Okay. I am so done.

''You mean read? Chapter one...''

''Oh, I'm bored out of my mind. Let's go to a movie.''


Oh, Thank goodness. Mrs. Thomas. You are my life-saviour.


Once upon a time- Girl meets world FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now