Maya's Birthday

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The master plan is, as you may know, the biggest of schemes. The ideal move to a better future for a blonde girl with a pretty messed up past. It is a way to seed hope in the heart of the ones that never believed in such a thing. But, in the same time, it is a way to put words in the mouth of a girl who never really knew what to say unless it was a time of crisis. 

Some of you may find Riley ignorant to Marigold's incapacity to truly open her soul to the world. But, the truth is, she learned fast that, with her friend, things were more complex that offering her hope. It was about weeding the misery out, airing the intoxicating rooms of her rib cage, cutting the deadwood and getting rid of the luggage that kept her down. And, like any process of that sort, it takes a while. So, before judging too fast and trowing words around let's try to understand what is taking place. Because, in their sometimes childhood behaviour and offered privacy, Maya and Riley tried to heal a too scared soul in the best way 14 years old girls can think of. It can't always work, it can't always show direct results. But, in the long game, it is always worth it. 

Therefore, when she opened the door on the 28th of February to welcome Marigold coming to surprise her best friend and looking behind at her uncle sitting on the couch, with no worry in the world, the master plan had now 2 main points: 1.Create a family. 2. Form a friendship between people that can understand each other. 

That does not mean that Riley forgot about Marigold's uncle. She respected the man with all she had for the courage to stand by her, no matter how impossible to understand her problems were. But she was intuitive and knew that Shawn would be a good addition. Because he understood.  And knew not to worry too much about things. This is something worth loving in a person like that.

''Hey, Riley. Am I late or...?''

''Not at all. Come in. You remember my uncle, right?''

''Oh, yeah. Hello, Mr. Hunter.''

''Hey, kid. You can call me Shawn, you know? I feel like I am back in Feeny's class.''

''You knew she went to the same school with you and dad? You wait here, I will be back.'' Riley said leaving the room with a smile on her face.



''I mean, I lived with my grandparents for a while, so...''

''Oh. Yeah. Yeah. I remember them, I think I destroyed their mail box once.''

''Should I ask?''

''I mean, it was a remarkable move.''

''Wait, I think grandpa told me about it. He mentioned a, not my words, lanky boy with long hair running for his life when he realised what he done.''

''Well... Fine, you got me.''

''He still said that you said sorry after. And that he liked your hair because it was... Revolutionary. My grandma didn't. She said she should have given you a haircut the moment you entered her house.''

''I mean... I really needed a haircut. But I really like swishing my hair for some reason.''

''And wearing baggy clothes and many layers?''

''How do you know that?''

''Because all the picture I have seen from the '90s with my father and his friends were exactly like this, so I figure, it was in fashion to dress like that.''

''Huh, very observant, aren't you?''

''Not really. It is just a way of making connections and assumptions based on the small information I have.''

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