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Isn't it funny how we, as human creature, have a habit of listening to all the things other say about us? How we feel the Universe trembling at the mention of some invented lies that have the role of making our insecurities put us down. How we try to change, to talk less, show up less... disappear. It is the shame we feel deep in our soul to even exist, to borrow the space than would be better used. We write sad poems, create depressive art and do our best to feel miserable. We are crushed by a sorrow that we don't deserve, that sat on our shoulder just to hide the insecurities of another. 

It is a sad story. A long, agonising story that most of us can easily relate to. Because we live in this world, and sometimes it takes a lot of pride in turning us ablaze. But, here, at least here, let's hope for a happy ending.

***School day, before History. Marigold is early as always***

Why didn't I took my pills today? 

Oh, I skipped breakfast, yeah. At least I won't make some weird seizure. But I will sure get dizzy... 

This should be uncle... Yeah, not him... Not surprised...

What the bloody hell? What had Farkle left on his desk? What weird invention is this?

''Um, hello?''

''Hello, Goldy.'' The bizarre machine said.

''Farkle, what is this for?''

''I am... sick. *Cough*''


''I am fine, Goldy. No need to worry for me.''

''Farkle, please...''

''I am okay, okay?''


I should stop pressing. I really should stop. This is how things go downhill, right? 

Great now I have a headache.

Great now I have a headache

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***Class starts***

''Graduation and awards night is coming up. I am very proud of this class. Several of you will be recognised for your achievements throughout the year.''

''Awards are a scam! A girl like me never had a chance, Matthews. Never had a chance.'' Maya screamed. 

''All right, I'll do it, but it's ridiculous. It's a scam, Matthews! She never had a chance!'' Riley said.

''Maya will be receiving the Griff Hawkins totally cool award.''

''Maya, you just found out you won the totally cool award, yet you just sit there? Oh, you're being cool. Why won't you rub off on me?''

''And our two finalists for the scholar athlete award are... Lucas Friar... And Billy Ross.''

''I hope you're ready for some competition, dude.'' Billy said.

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