A starry night

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***Next day. History class***

''The Korean war.''

''Genghis Khan.''

Yes, I want to hear about that!


Really? You just shattered my dreams.

'' I just wanted to see what would happen. ''

Same, Farkle.

''Hello, Cory Matthews. I am so sorry for interrupting.''


''Oh, no. '' Maya muttered.

''Nothing to forgive, Katy. Class, this is Maya's mother, Katy Hart.''

''Mom, what are you doing? It was yesterday. ''

Don't be too harsh, Maya. She is here. She tried.

''Yesterday I was unable to attend your little job fair.''

''Career day.'' Maya corrected.

''Yesterday I was trapped... In my vehicle... In the rushing flood waters of the mighty Colorado river! To make matters worse, I just found out I was about to have a baby any second. So I crawled myself through the sunroof and I said, "let's do this thing." Then I commenced to deliver my own baby until finally I heard that wonderful, magical sound. (Mimicking baby crying) "Mama? Are you my mama?" ''

Okay... Um, what was that??

''Maya?'' Riley asked somehow scared.

''Soap opera. She was auditioning for a soap opera. ''

Oh, this make sense.

''Can you believe I didn't get it?''

'' Yes! '' The class exclaimed.

Excuse me, that was RUDE!

''Yes. I am an actress.''

I like you, ma'am. Never stop believing in your dream.

''Are there any questions I can answer for anyone? ''

''Ah, yes, the Farkle.''

''Why are you wearing a waitress outfit?''


''Anyone else? ''

''Yes, the pretty, young man right there.''

I am so sorry for Lucas, why can no one see past skin?

''Yeah, thanks. Um, why are you wearing a waitress outfit?''

LUCAS! Why is everyone making me inside scream today?

''My Dad says actors are just a bunch of people who never grew up.''

SARAH! That was mean. And uncalled for.

''What does your Dad do?''

''He's a director.''

''Is he? Well, I'm sure your father never gave me a job either, which is the real reason I wear this outfit every day. Well, I'll just be going now.''

This is... Yeah, I am feelings thing now, good. I am sorry, ma'am, you don't deserve that. You are a great person. I wish you got your chance.

*** Art class***

''Drawing a woman's face is different than drawing a man's. Look for subtle differences. The lips are different.'' Mrs. Cossal said.

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