Poetry and Encouragement

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''Who's the greatest ally of the United States? Farkle?''

'' I'd like to help you, sir, but I got a lot of things on my mind.''

Oh, you small boy. What happened?

'' Are you tense, Farkle? Is it Buggie Award season?''

What have you just said?

'' Yes, and I know that once I've chosen between Riley and Maya for the dinner, I'll actually be letting the other one go.''

Ohhhh. Well, I don't know, can't you just take both?

'' I'll go. I'll go right now.'' Maya said.

Heyyyyyy! That was a bit... rude.... 

'' I think it will be sad when Farkle doesn't love us both the same.''

Riley, that actually makes me sad.

'' Yes, one of you will be crushed. You will, however, receive the Farkle home game as a consolation prize.''

'' Ooh, what's that?'' Riley asked.

'' It's a penguin.''


'' So who is the greatest ally of the United States?'' 

''You can... You know, tell us?'' Maya said getting a cold glance from Cory.


''Taking into account the fact that they were USA's ally in World War 2, I figure you are referring to Canada.''

'' Correct. Any other ally? Marigold?''

''Spain and France supported the Independence War. In WW1 the US army fought alongside the French and British with the help of Romanians and others. You gain help from the Russians in the fight against Hitler.''

''That's right. It's just interesting that all of our thoughts turn to other allies first when Canada is right next to us. Perhaps it's because we know they'll always be there for us that we take them for granted.''

That's pretty valid, taking into account that a lot of people have no idea about the importance of Canada along the history of US and not only.

''Farkle, I'm going to make the ultimate sacrifice and let you go with Riley.''

'' Yeah, well, I'm going to make the ultimate sacrifice and let you go with Maya.''

Come on, girls. It is just a... I don't really know what. But it is Farkle, you spend time with him every day, it can't be that bad.

'' I decide! You hear me? This game is Farkle's choice. Prepare to go through the emotional gauntlet of love.''

I mean... Okay, do your thing, boy. If it makes you happy.


***After class. Hallway.***


''Hello to you too, Lucas.''

''Soooo... You know how I promised to listen to your band and stuff?'' He said making her stop in her tracks.

''Did you?''

''Maybe.....'' He said with a smirk on his face.

''Yessssss! What album?''

''I just chose a a random one. I thing it was... A blank one? With just their names?''

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