Change History

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I sometimes hear people saying things on the line of Why should I need to learn about some death people, how does it helps me anyways? I always saw this comments as some type of ignorance. Because, despite its reputation of being tedious and completely irrelevant, knowing the past is one of our most useful way of learning. Sometimes I feel it had became a cliche repeated by the same people that are trying to stick to a principle: Don't let history repeat itself. Because they know what a unpleasant past we had to bury, what ideologies and regimes we had to suffer under, or how many people can twist the truth without being questioned and be praised.

Learn your History, let yourself hear the numerous  stories and lesson that are here for you. Don't shut your ears, let yourself register the sound of the past, with its good and its bad, with its way of getting people together and tearing them apart, with war and peace and everything in between. Take the good, try to straighten the bad.

***History class***

''The 60', man. Influential musicians like Bob Dylan and Joan Baez... Playing guitars and singing like prophets. The times, they were a-changin'. ''

Yes, this will be good. If you forget about The Beatles I swear... You all just snored??

''The class, they are a-sleepin'. ''

Excuse me? I am all hyped up.

'''It's not your fault, Dad. It's just the stuff you're saying.''

''He is talking about the 60'!!! ''  Marigold said, annoyed.

''I'm talking about the 60', man.'' 

''Nobody cares about when you were our age.''

''Riley, it was over 50 years ago. How old do you guys think I am?''

''There's no right answer to this, sir.'' Lucas said.

You all are a lost cause, I give up. You have no culture, whatsoever.  

''You should teach us future class.'' Maya said out of nowhere.

''Listen, Dad, you're doing a wonderful job up there and we're very happy that you're all jazzed up... But history has nothing to do with us.''

I will explode!

 ''I'm gonna snap this chalk now. ''

I know, I feel you.


''Snap. What did you guys do yesterday?'' 

''I think I had grapes. ''

''Do you know what yesterday was?'' 

''Grapes day. ''

''It's history. Every decision you make every day, every time you decide to turn left instead of right, you make history and you affect someone else's. And if you refuse to learn that, I guarantee you, you guys will not become the best person you can be. Because history is all about missed opportunities. "History has nothing to do with us," wasn't it, Ms. Hart?'' 

Raw facts, as always, Mr. Matthews.

''Can't remember, it was like five minutes ago.''

I am dying! 

''Fine. I am not gonna teach you guys about the 60'. ''

NOOOOOOO! I will cry. You don't have a heart and can't understand how much I wanted to hear about the 60' music and the Hippies' movement. 

''Yay.'' The class exclaimed.

Excuse me?

 ''You are.'' 

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