Faith and Friendship

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Faith is an interesting thing, isn't it? It offer us the most painful, but, in the same time, the most delightful experiences we can gather in a life time. Someone once said that suffering is jut a blessing in disguise. Hard to tell if he was right or wrong, although it is unquestionable that we can observe the beauty of the sunlight just after we were lost in the abyss of the night. After all, we can't live with one without the other, a world without the moon and the stars would be just a boring play with no essence.

We can see this day as the Sneak Attack, a sunny day turning into an uncontrollable storm. Or maybe, as a renewal, a final test, a moment we understood that the right people stay.

Marigold had never been good at keeping herself stable, it happens to the best of people. She had always forgotten to take her medicine, to bandage a cut, to eat her breakfast, to take her jacket. But she never forgot to prepare her uncle food, to put her grandfather's pill on his nightstand, to put on Riley's desk small notes that she knew would make her day better, to call Lucas ''Lucas'', to let Farkle rant about science and Belgium 1831 once in a while, and to remind Maya that hope is worth it. I guess it is easier to heal others that to rebuild yourself...

Therefore, when, entering History class and seeing Lucas talking with Missy Bradford,she knew it won't end well. And this was somehow out of her control. So all she could do was take her sit and hope for the better, drawing something that may help.

 So all she could do was take her sit and hope for the better, drawing something that may help

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***************Learning Time***************

''Sneak attack... December 7th, 1941. "A date which will live in infamy." ''

''A date? They're going on a date? In Italy?'' 

Oh, boy. Riley. This won't end well at all.

''No, honey. You're in History.''

'' I'm history?''

This really hurts me.

 ''Okay, put your hand up.'' 

Good idea, Maya.

''Yes, Riley? You have a pertinent observation on the subject of the sneak attack?''

Mr. Matthews I don't think she is in the mood for that.

"May I be excused?" Whispered Maya.

''My eyes see my shoes. ''

You poor,poor creature.

''Yes, Riley, you may be excused.''

You are a great man, Mr. Matthews.


''No, you have to come back to class at some point, honey. You just have to.... It was another sunny day in paradise before the sneak attack that changed everything.''

Okay, she can calm down and we will discus it like the responsible... What the bloody hell is she doing? I can't, Riley this pressing your face on the glass thing isn't... Okay.

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