Author's Note

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Hello, beautiful people.
And sorry for keeping this book on a prolonged hold. I don't know how to phrase it but I just discovered that this got 10.000 reads and I am baffled, confused and just a bit guilty because.... This is in no way my best work. And it could be much better.
I started 3 fanfics and a poems book and finished none therefore I do apologise for being so all over the place with my ideas. Those being said, I thank you for the support you have shown this book and I will try my best to get my wits together and write something. However, school is a constant pain, I have lots of exams and I want to learn latin so in this whole mess things such as this whimsical endeavour are hard to fit in.
But I will try. I have drafts for this story that are still unpublished but they happen later in the show and I really wish to show them to you in the future.
This note is more of a rant combined with an apology and an immense thank you for the support :)) You know, the usual you get from reading my stuff ;)
Anyways, this is all I had to say.
Thank you again.
Stay safe.
Take care.
All the love💛💛💛

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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