Love isn't something you have to deserve

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PS: I advice you to listen to the song :)

Love is a complicated concept to comprehend. And, if you happen to be a simple 15 years old with no experience whatsoever, it seems impossible. And maybe that is way Lucas, after experiencing his whole exhilarating turmoil of emotion caused by the unexpectedly confusing double date, listened to the small voice in his head and come to his friend's apartment, considering her previous offer. Or maybe, the thought of  coming home to his arguing parents after such an experience seemed to completely diminish his excitement that arose from such an encounter. Hence, he chose his friend, unbothered by the hole situation in which she hadn't intended to emerge, but still open to him blabbering about his adventure, adding just a small twist regarding the place, something that may have confused her friend when she told him to follow her to the rooftop of the building giving just a merely reasonable explanation( '' We can see the sunset!'').

But, despite all that, the relief he felt when he let the hole afternoon events off his chest was exactly what he needed.

''So I figure you had fun?''

''Yeah, it was...''


''Yeah, that's a good word.''

''Then what is off?''

''You can read me like a book, can't you?''

''I would't say that, but I can be intuitive at times.''

''Of course you can... I don't know, I feel like I don't want this day to end badly.''

''Why would it?''

''I am a bit... reluctant to go home...''


''So, I chose to come here instead.''

''This is your safe place?''

''More exactly, you are my safe place, but sure.''

''You know, I used to have one of those, it was this park close to my house where I used to go. I had my favourite bench and all. It was my favourite place... So, whatever happens, you can come here. Anytime.''

''Thanks. You know, I was thinking about the whole... situation... And I don't really know what to do? I guess?''

''I don't think you have to do something, per say. But it would be good if you talked with your parents. I am sure they will listen. And maybe you can work it together.''


''You know your parents best, Lucas. But, I think they love you dearly. And that in itself can help with finding a solution.''

''I guess...''

''Do you want to tell me what is going on in that mind of yours?''

''I don't really know... You know... Everything seemed easier before. I don't understand why somehow they just turn the opposite.''

''The Universe seems to be crumbling, huh?''

''I know it is not, but...''

''You don't have to explain your feelings, Lucas. They are valid whatever the circumstances. You can be upset, angry, frustrated or whatever the hell you feel like.''

''Marigold, it is not that easy.''


''Because I am a complete moron when I am angry.''

''And I am a complete wet blanket when I am upset. Your point?''

''No, I mean it. I can't...''

''Okay... Do you want to talk about it?''

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