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Holidays are moments of celebration. Of giving. Of a never stopping generosity. Of feeling at peace in a place with people you can call your home. It is the time of the year when things seem to come into place even if we do not realise it.  For some, though, they bring a bitter-sweet taste in a dried mouth. It reminds them of loss. Of failed opportunities, never achieved relationship. Of a what if that hurts the most. And, if we got to see a small part of what Joseph Greenwood is, to his essence, we can picture him as a man living in a constant aching of lost chances. And, more than that, we see him as a person who loves dearly, but doesn't  really know how to show it, being fooled by his habit of building his walls high. 

It was the first Christmas he was spending with his nice, and he was, by all means, terrified. So, when her friend Maya poped at their door and invited her over at Riley's he was already thinking They are good for her. They can offer her a Christmas I won't ever be able to give. So, he let her leave with her bag of presents and a promise that he will wait for her to return.

 ''Have fun, kid.''

''You sure about that? It is Chris...''

''I don't really celebrate it anyways. Don't worry, Marigold. Go and have fun.''

''...Okay.'' She said with a sight knowing what her uncle is like. 

He let her go. Because this is what he think it is best. What a 33 years old man find right and fair to do. Give her a warm Christmas with people that know how a family must feel like. Because, after all those years, he forgot.

***At the inter-phone. In front of Riley's flat***

''You sure you're okay?''

''Yeah, I am fine. Don't worry about me, Maya.''

''Oh, of course I worry about you, Goldy.'' She said side-hugging her.

''I am okay. I just need to start giving presents so I can get all hyped up.''

''Good. No sad faces today?''

''No sad faces.''

''Okay, let me call them now.''


Okay, Mr. Matthews.

''Maya and Goldy!''

 ''Shawn?! ''

'' Aw, what's the matter? Your boyfriend's not here yet?''

'' He's not my boyfriend! '' He screamed letting them up.

''I really like playing with the guy.''

''Of course you do, Maya.'' She said when Maya entered the apartment.

''I don't even think he exists.'' Maya said.

''He's real, Maya. I've known the guy my whole life, and he's real.''

Oh, boy

'' You're fun to play with. Riley, I got you a present.''

'' "A donation's been made in your name to the Maya new winter coat fund." Thank you, it's beautiful.''

'' I'm glad you like it. I never know what to get people. Goldy, I spoiled your surprise, it is the same thing.''

''It is perfect, thank you Maya. Can I give you two yours?''


''Okay... Um, Riley. This is yours. Maya this is yours.'' She said handing them the presents, starting to freak out.

Once upon a time- Girl meets world FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now