The struggle of digging acceptance

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It is in our nature to crave attention, love, respect, status. We search the world in the hope of finding someone that can complete our soul, we look through a crowd of people seeking the ones that will know to read us the best. We are powered by love. But sometimes, just sometimes, we mistake it for popularity, respect won by appearance, when this exterior with no meaning takes the place of the heart, and its unquestionable value in the evolution of human connection. This is a story about forgetting and being always remembered the true meaning of your own essence.

*** School time. In the hallway***

''Look what's happening, look what's coming.''

I can't be bothered. I am pretty sure it isn't a big deal, anyways.

''What's coming, crazy?''

 ''Invitations... To the seventh grade parties. It's begun. We could be party girls. I'm going to need a party-girl walk. ''

I won't... And I looked up. And I see this weird walk. And I go back to my book.

''Yeah, that's not it.''

''Riley, yo are exaggerating this.'' 

''I don't think I am, Mary. I am still cool... You know, there is going to be boys at these parties. But not just any boys. No, opposite-sex boys. They're the best kind.''

''Oh, boy.'' Marigold said.

'' Yeah, you sound ready for this.'' 

''Oh, I am. And I may just be the first girl who crosses over from our side of the room to the... Yeah, it's gonna be me. ''

It is good to be confident, Riley.

''Yeah, it's gonna be you.''

 ''You know what pretty-boy hipster is handing out invitations to... Don't you?  ''

 ''A party.''

''Riley, please...'' Marigold said.

''Membership cards to the popular club. ''

What the...?

''Why can't you just let it be a party?'' Maya asked, exasperated.

''Riley, why do you strive to be popular?'' 

''Because this is it, right here. This is where you go one way, I go the other way and Mary just waits between saying how stupid it is or something. You get the invite and you marry pretty-boy hipster, I end up marrying Anthony Delveccio and we buy things in bulk and Mary marries some intellectual poet that writes her a book. You're gonna be popular. I'm not. Good for you. Good girl. Bye-bye, Maya. Mary, you will stay with me, even if you will marry some Michelangelo, right?'' She asked the last question side-hugging her curly friend.

''Whatever you need, dear.'' Marigold say before the hipster approached her and Riley offering them an invitation.

This is new.  

 ''Yay! For me. Maya, I know you didn't get one, but is it okay if I'm really happy?''

She is adorable.

 ''You go get 'em, tiger. I love you, but... You're a lot of work. Got an invitation, Goldy?''

''Yeah, I don't really know why.''

''I have a small guess.''


''Yeah, but I will keep it a little. It won't affect you, darling, don't worry.''

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