Part 2

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As maddy is in her room alone on her bed rethinking this but Colby is the main reason to blame why I'm doing this to myself I can't take it anymore I'm done I've been done as I take the blade to my wrist and tears come down my face and blood drips down my arm I cut two more lines then cleaned the blade and put it up and cleaned my arm and put a long sleeve on and Layed down and put a movie on

Colby's pov•
I'm sitting in my room laying down on my bed thinking about maddy why does brennen hate her so much I hate bullying her if I don't my popularity will be gone brennen is the one who made me popular and all that stupid shit I honestly feel bad so I'm planning on telling her at school on Monday

~skip to Monday~
Maddison walks in going to her locker but only to be pushed in the wall by colby and the others by him Colby's plan to tell maddy isn't going as he wants it to

Maddy•can y'all leave me alone for once god damn

Brennen• why we would ever do that

Jake• your honestly really fucking a easy target *punches her rubs leaving a big bruise*

Maddy•winces in pain*

Sam•aww look at the bitch *grabs her arms and pins them up and slams her against the locker harder*

Maddy•winces because your cuts*

Colby• go kill yourself honestly

Brennen• really tho no one wants you

Maddy•I've been trying *whispers*

Sam• what's was that


Jake•what the fuck did you say *slaps her and grabs her hurt arm and puts it above her* I got it sam

Maddy•fuck my arm *crys*

Colby•grabs her arm and pulls her sleeves up and sees the cuts* maddy


Maddy•what*yells at them* I'm trying to kill myself now just leave me alone * gets out of jakes and sams grips and walks out the school and goes to her house and lays down crying*

Sam•I didn't really think she would try

Jake• me either

Brennen• damn now I feel bad *sighs*

Colby•I'm going home I'll see y'all later

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