Part 16

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I woke up In Colby's bed and felt an arm around me and smiled to myself I turned around and saw Colby sleeping, "why are you staring at me"he says opening one eye "I wasn't" I say blushing "mhmm" he says
"Shut up and lets get up" I say trying to get out of his grip "I wanna stay in bed"he says pulling me back "Colby I have to pee"I say "you do"he asks "yes now please let me go" I ask "nope" he says as he sits on me "Colby" I groan he stares at me and moves his hands slowly to my sides "Colby don't"I say "don't what" he say "Colby don't yo-" I got cut off by him tickling me I squirm around under him screaming and laughing "Colby! Stop" I laugh as he tickles me still "Colby I'm gonna pee my self stop" I say "fine"he says as he stops "your mean"I say as I push him off me he just smiles at me as I walk in the bathroom
"Maddy" he says on the other side "yes" I say as I get up and wash my hands and open the door
"Do you wanna go eat somewhere" he asks
"Yeah let me get ready" I say "ok just come back when your done" he said as I nod and walk out.
I go to my room and get some black ripped jeans and a red laced tank top with thin straps and some converse I do my make up and I brush my hair, and walk out to his room "Colby" I say as I walk in "maddy!" He yells "shit! Sorry" I say as shut the door quickly, woah I just seen colby naked "you can come come in now" he says as i walk in he's putting a shirt on "s-sorry I didn't mean to" I say looking at him embarrassed "it's fine" he says "ok lets go"I say walking away and he grabs my hand and we walk out to the car and drive to tender greens.

"Brennens coming if it's ok with you" Colby says
"Yeah it's fine"I say as I smile, a lady that works here comes up to us and we order as she walks away she shakes her ass at Colby not gonna lie i got jealous.

"Hey bitches" brennen says as he walks in and sits down next to colby "hi brennen"I say and smile
"Hey mads"he says back. We continue to talk and the waiter comes back up.great the same girl. As she hands us our plate she lets her breast show as she hands Colby his food "he's taken"I say glaring at her "by who I don't see her" the waiter says "by me" I say kissing him in front of her and she scoffs and walks a Away as I pull away and sit back down leaving Colby  blushing as I eat my food brennen laughing at Colby.
We eat our food and go to Brennens house we walk inside and sit on the couch "we're filming a truth or strip" brennen said "ok I'll sit here" I say getting on my phone scrolling through tik tok as they set up the camera and brennen does his intro and they start asking questions Colby has his shirt off brennen does to and then colby takes his pants off same with brennen (sorry I forgot how it goes) and them brennen asks "what's your favorite type of porn" he says looking at Colby "umm rough" he says "like beating and spanking rough"brennen says "noo"Colby says. They finish the video and put there clothes back on and sat down on the couch.
"How was the view" brennen says talking about Colby in his boxers "shut up" I say smiling and blushing "well me and maddy are gonna go back" Colby says grabbing my hand and holding it
"Ok talk to you later bro" he says hugging him and then he hugs me "bye" I say as we get in the car and leave and drive to the traphouse.

We get there and we go inside and sit down at the table. "Why'd you kiss Me" he asks " I umm I got jealous" I say looking down embarrassed "well you look hot jealous but why"he asks "I- You won't laugh at Me"I say "no" he says as I sigh "I like you colby A lot" I say "wait really" he says "yeah" I say "I like you to maddy" he says smiling at me as I blush as we both lean in and kiss it gets heated fast, he moves his hand in my pants and and rubs my clit as I gasp out "Colby" looking at him "you like it there, huh?" He says seductively "yes" I moan out as he rubs it faster
"Colby lets go to the room"I say in between moans
He takes his hand out of my pants and we go upstairs he shuts his door and pushes me on the bed (not in a mean way in a sexual way) and takes my shirt off and unclips my bra playing with my breasts as I moan I take off his shirt and I stick my hand down his pants and rub his tip and he groans and closes his eyes I take off his pants and boxers and I wrap my hand around his member and start jerking him off "fuck"he moans and closes his eyes I take my hand off and I lick his tip and I stick it in my mouth and start sucking him as he moans and closes his eyes and throws his head back "fuck maddy" he moans louder I suck him faster and I feel him twitch "I'm gonna cum" he says I take my mouth off him and he looks at me frustrated I take off my pants and panties and I lower myself on him "fuck" I gasp as I start moving up and down he groans and holds my hips "please go faster"he begs I stay at my pace I guess he got frustrated because he flipped us over so he's on top and started pounding inside me hard and fast "Colby!" I scream in pleasure "fuck your so tight baby"he says ducking his head in the crook of my neck "I'm gonna cum" I moan that encourages him to go faster he hits my g-spot and I cum moaning and I squeeze my walls around him then he pulls out and strokes him member and cums on my stomach and he falls beside me "wow" I say out of breathe as he chuckles and wraps his arm around me and I snuggle into him "maddy" he says "mm" I say tired
"Will you be my girlfriend"he asks looking down at me as I smile "yes" I smile and kiss him and pull away and we fall asleep.

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